Get The Dirt On Healthy Soil Because An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth A Pound Of Cure Corrects soil pH to optimize the growing environment * Fast Acting Lime® and Fast Acting Gypsum® of soil to retain nutrients where plants use them. * Contains no PHCA which flushes the nutrients through the soil profile beyond reach. * Concentrated formulas that allow 25lbs. to cover 5,000 sq. ft., while others require up to 30-50lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.-Buy fewer bags and get better results! Hi-Yield® Turf & Ornamental Weed & Grass Stopper provides superior control of Crabgrass and many other annual grass and broadleaf weeds. Effective in any lawn, safe in flower and shrub beds. * Coming soon in 4lbs. and 25lbs. ferti*lome® AVAILABLE ONLY TO INDEPENDENT RETAILERS containing Dimension® Circle 105 Crabgrass Preventer Plus Lawn Food 20-0-3 controls Crabgrass and controls or suppresses many other annual grass and broadleaf weeds in established lawns. AVAILABLE ONLY TO INDEPENDENT RETAILERS Loosens soil for better air and water penetration and promoted root development are designed for quick release and work in the top layer