PRE ORDER OUR PAL LET ASSORTMENTS This year we are offering 4 NEW pallet assortments over 50 new products! We've carefully designed the best sizes, shapes colors to create the perfect assortments for you to offer your customers. We have a new Trade login website, where you can download our new 2020/202# Catalog, Order online, View current Promotions hear about upcoming news events. Also don't miss our Virtual Pottery Showroom available on our website. WHAT ' S NEW TH I S YEAR B I RD HOUSES B I RD FEEDERS 7 NEW HAND PA I NTED DES I GNS 3 S I ZES OF WI NDOW BOES FRONT DOOR NUMBER T I LES WI TH FREE D I SPLAY UN I T TABLEWARE I NDOOR MI N I PLANTERS SPAN I SH TERRACOT TA ASSORTMENT CARVED TERRACOT TA ASSORTMENT 94 1 89 3 2 7 7 9 Circle 100 MA I L@SUNSH I NECERAMI CA . COM