Growing Bubble (18-5-10) ALL PURPOSE Provides nutrients essential for healthy plant growth and development. Nutri Bubble DEFICIENCY (2-0-13) + chelated microelements Supplies microelements to prevent plant deficiencies and diseases. Blooming Flower Bubble (10-20-15) FLOWER Boosts bloom vibrancy and the number of flower blooms. Tomato & Vegetable Bubble (14-14-17) VEGETABLE Increases the production of healthier and higher quality garden crops. lbs 13.5 " x 6.6 " x 6.0 " 6.6 lbs 22 " x 15 " x 14 " 40 lbs Nousbo USA Inc. 3010 LBJ Freeway 1200, Dallas, TX 75234 Circle 109 713-907-7264 ----------------------Approximately 1,200lbs @drjoeplantfood @drjoeplantfood Bubble Series