FACILITY MANAGEMENT Photos: Kronen and Festo (robotic arm). it. Just pay attention to flooring. Know what you need before making a selection. Q. Should a facility have worker sanitation areas and cleaning stations on the plant floor? Kronen: Sanitation is the base for a safe processing of fresh produce. This includes the processing area, the produce itself and of course, also the workers. Sanitation areas for them are crucial to avoid/reduce cross-contamination risks. Additional hygiene stations on the entry and exit of the working areas are necessary. Here one should consider different levels on low-risk and high-risk processing areas. Hygiene is an important part of the total setup. Hygiene for workers, product and of course also the equipment and the production area and therefore cleaning stations in the processing area are a must. Q. What equipment should someone wanting to start produce processing look for? Kronen: Equipment is only one piece in the big puzzle and not a game-changer MADE IN GERMANY PRODUCE PROCESS ING 17http://kronencrop.com