XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX Structure Remains In-tact T H E G E N T L E M E T H OD OF P R OD U C T R E F I N E M E N T BAADER has pioneered a distinctive and globally recognized separation method tailored for diverse applications. Our innovative process involves a gentle squeezing belt guiding materials onto a perforated drum. The pliable components are then extruded through the holes, leaving solid elements like peel, stalks, and seeds outside the drum for continuous discharge. Esteemed multiaward-winning food producers have attested to the substantial quality enhancements and competitive advantages achieved through BAADERING. The ultimate outcome is a consistent and safe product quality, enabling the utilization overlooked or discarded resources. of previously Scan the code to watch the video or contact BAADER for more information 1.800.288.3434 28 JANUARY/ FEBRUARY 2 024