MAY/JUNE 2019 CONTENTS COLUMNS The Process United Fresh 6 Cutting Edge DEPARTMENTS The Pulse 15 12 PRO2 7 Calendar Advertiser Index What's on the Web 4 23 24 25 26 27 27 27 ON THE COVER 20 FEATURES 6 Fast, Easy & Frozen Consumers continue to gravitate toward quick and convenient frozen vegetable options 12 Finding the Frozen Aisle Five tips to attract younger consumers to frozen fruits and vegetables 15 Navigating Prop 65 Labels California's complex law a target for private enforcers seeking payday 18 Product Focus Section Products from innovative companies 20 Using smart technology to improve production Creating more food and doing it effectively focus of farming advancements We take a look at the frozen food industry, including innovative new products (Page 6) and things producers can do to attract the younger generation (Page 12). PRODUCE PROCESSING 3