GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES New flux of potato-based beverages hitting market Spuds showing potential in growing plant-based category By Melanie Epp CONTRIBUTING WRITER T hree international drink makers have brought new potato-based drinks to market. New opportunities for potato growers - both in the U.S. and abroad - could arise, if the new products take off. Interest, particularly in the plant-based alternative, has been strong. DUG DRINKS According to new figures released by global market research company Euromonitor International, the milk alternatives sector is the fastest growing category in the dairy products and alternatives industry, soy products not included. Currently, the industry is worth $10 billion globally and has seen an increase of 16% in 2020-21. It's no wonder then that Swedish food innovators at Veg of Lund have spent so much of their focus on developing new plant-based options. Led by professor Eva Tornberg at Lund University, Veg of Lund's aim is to design no-compromise plant-based products that combine taste with environmental sustainability by minimising its climate footprint through efficient land use, low water consumption and low carbon emissions. This Spud's for You beer from Establishment Brewery replaces 20% of malt barley with potatoes. Photo: Establishment Brewery 5773 Crystal Road * Vestaburg, MI 877-287-5711 Mercury Windrower 2021 4 Row Wrap-Around Harvester Custom Built Potato Harvesting Equipment * Spudman * January 2022 29