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application process is the DEA Physical Task
Assessment Test, more commonly referred to
as the " PT Test. " The DEA PT Test measures
the prospective individual's ability to physically
perform the requirements of a SA. Furthermore,
and more appropriately, it is an assessment to
determine whether an applicant is physically
able to meet the rigors of the DEA Training
Academy. The DEA PT Test is administered
by DEA Certified Physical Task Administrators
(PTAAs), who are SAs.
What exactly is the DEA PT Test?
The DEA PT Test consists of both anaerobic
and aerobic events which utilize the glycolytic
and oxidative energy systems. Furthermore,
they are events that involve the utilization of
sub-maximal muscular contractions or local
muscular endurance, maximal anaerobic
capacity, and maximal aerobic capacity. The
events are administered in the following order,
they are (1) sit-ups, (2) 300-meter run, (3)
push-ups, and (4) 1.5-mile run. The push-up
and sit-up events are measurements that are
included under the category mentioned above
as sub-maximal muscular contractions or local
muscular endurance. The 300-meter run is
a measurement of one's maximal anaerobic
capacity and the 1.5-mile run is a measurement
of an applicant's maximal aerobic capacity.
What energy systems should I train in to
prepare for the PT Test?
The anaerobic and aerobic exercises utilized
in the PT Test primarily utilize two of the three
energy systems. In order to perform their best,
the applicant should conduct the majority of, if
not all of their training, in either the glycolytic
or oxidative energy zones prior to taking the
test. These energy systems clearly define the
36 | Tactical Training & Conditioning | Fall 2022
process of how energy is transferred between
these systems based on the power output and
length of exercise. The first energy system,
the phosphagen or ATP-PC, utilizes adenosine
triphosphate or ATP as its dominant form of
energy and does not require the presence of
oxygen for its maximum power output. Maximal
athletic power in this system is expended
between one to 10 seconds. No portion of this
test measures this energy system and therefore,
training in this zone is not beneficial for a positive
performance in the exam. Once the exercise
shifts from this time frame to primarily between
30 seconds to three minutes, the energy system
utilized are the glycolytic energy system. This
system has a higher propensity to store energy
through slow and fast glycolysis through its
usage of carbohydrates as its main molecule
to produce ATP. Lastly, once an athletic event
continues past the three-minute time frame, the
oxidative energy system is the dominant form
of energy utilization through the breakdown
of protein and fats for endurance type or submaximal
As described above, during exercise there are
biological changes between energy systems
that utilize different sources of macronutrients
(protein, carbohydrates, and fats) to provide the
body fuel for its optimal performance through
the principle of specificity. Understanding that
the way one trains prior to the exam will be
one of the several determining factors as to
how an applicant performs on the test. For
example, a strength or power athlete, whose
resistance repetition count lies primarily below
six repetitions or 85% of their one-rep max, is
utilizing their phosphagen or ATP-PC energy
system. Therefore, resistance training in this
range will not be specific to the physiological
adaptations needed for this PT Test. Higher

Fall 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Fall 2022

Fall 2022 - 1
Fall 2022 - 2
Fall 2022 - 3
Fall 2022 - 4
Fall 2022 - 5
Fall 2022 - 6
Fall 2022 - 7
Fall 2022 - 8
Fall 2022 - 9
Fall 2022 - 10
Fall 2022 - 11
Fall 2022 - 12
Fall 2022 - 13
Fall 2022 - 14
Fall 2022 - 15
Fall 2022 - 16
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