Spring 2022 - 12

Banned Substance Certification
for Supplements is Vital for
Tactical Professionals
he detrimental effects of careless
supplement use can be severe for
tactical professionals. Your career
and livelihood are on the line if you
take a contaminated dietary supplement
and test positive on a drug test. Don't let
this happen to you!
Ingesting a minute amount of a
prohibited substance smaller than a
grain of salt can result in a positive
test. Contamination may infiltrate any
supplement including protein powders,
drink mixes, vitamins or other products
that appear to be free of risk. These
realities make banned substance
certification vital for tactical professionals
who use supplements.
Third-party supplement certification
for banned substances offers protection
against contamination by conducting
ongoing testing for prohibited substances
and allowing certification seals to be
used on products that pass the test.
The certification seal allows brands
to represent the premium quality of
products. The BSCG Certified Drug Free
program has been an industry leader in
banned substance protection for almost
20 years.
Certification seals are only as strong
as the science behind them. Look for
the following key elements to ensure a
certification program meets the highest
standards and provides the protection
tactical professionals deserve:
* ISO 17025 accreditation for testing
laboratories should be the foundation of
any certification program.
* The scope of accreditation should
include testing for prohibited substances
in nutritional supplements.
* Certified lot numbers must be clearly
identified in databases with frequency of
testing outlined by the provider.
Banned Substances Control Group
* Verify the lot you are using is certified!
Beware, some certification providers do
not test every lot leaving holes in the
protection offered.
* The testing menu should be transparent
and include broad coverage against
WADA Prohibited Substances focusing
on those that have resulted in positive
drug tests.
(BSCG) was proud to be one of the first
groups in the world to offer banned
substance certification almost 20 years
ago, and we remain a leader today. We
are proud to certify more than 80 brands
and 500 products available in more than
100 countries and counting.
The BSCG Certified Drug Free program is
the gold standard in banned substance
protection and is recognized by the DoD
Operation Supplement Safety (https://
www.opss.org/). We test every finished
product lot for our industry-leading
testing menu covering 505 drugs
including 296 banned substances and
an additional 209 over-the-counter, illicit
and prescription drugs no other group
covers. We provide the best protection
available for your career, and your health.
To find certified products,
explore BSCG Certified Drug
Free brands or our database.
Please contact us with any
questions, info@bscg.org or
12 | Tactical Training & Conditioning | Spring 2022
https://www.bscg.org/supplements-for-athletes-consumers-and-animals/ http://https:// http://www.opss.org/

Spring 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spring 2022

Spring 2022 - 1
Spring 2022 - 2
Spring 2022 - 3
Spring 2022 - 4
Spring 2022 - 5
Spring 2022 - 6
Spring 2022 - 7
Spring 2022 - 8
Spring 2022 - 9
Spring 2022 - 10
Spring 2022 - 11
Spring 2022 - 12
Spring 2022 - 13
Spring 2022 - 14
Spring 2022 - 15
Spring 2022 - 16
Spring 2022 - 17
Spring 2022 - 18
Spring 2022 - 19
Spring 2022 - 20
Spring 2022 - 21
Spring 2022 - 22
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Spring 2022 - 30
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