Spring 2022 - 29

grams of carbohydrate post-workout. This is
equivalent to one medium baked potato and
two slices of bread on the lower end, adding a
third slice of bread to equate to the higher end
of the range. Rather than focusing on the exact
amount, encourage them to consume foods
with carbohydrates as soon as possible after a
workout to get them started on the right path.
This will help glycogen stores to be replenished
so that they can continue with their daily
activity and have enough stores available for
their next workout session.
Protein is often the first nutrient that comes
to mind for people when asked about postworkout
recovery. It plays a role both in the
maintenance and building of lean body mass.
However, this does not mean that consuming
a large amount of protein in one sitting will
prevent muscle protein breakdown or stimulate
large amounts of muscle protein synthesis.
The body responds to and utilizes the amount
of protein it needs, and then excretes a large
amount of the excess via the urine. So rather
than consuming an abundance of protein that
could not only be wasted but also take up
space in the post-workout meal/snack from
carbohydrates, tactical athletes should focus on
consuming protein regularly throughout the day.
Amazingly, muscle protein synthesis is
responsive to just one bout of exercise for up
to 24 hours post-workout. With this in mind,
consuming 0.25-0.30 grams protein/kg body
weight (or ~20 grams) post-workout can give
the tactical athlete the amount of protein they
need to start the recovery process. The same
athlete mentioned previously (weighing 68kg)
would need about 20 grams of protein postworkout,
which can be found in three ounces of
chicken, 20 ounces of milk, three large eggs, or
six ounces of firm tofu.
It is also recommended to encourage tactical
athletes to choose a complete protein, which
contains all of the amino acids that the body
cannot make itself. One great option is whey
protein because not only is it complete, but it
is also digested quickly and is high in leucine,
which has been shown to initiate muscle protein
synthesis quickly. Of course, this protein can be
tacticaltrainingandconditioning.com | 29

Spring 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spring 2022

Spring 2022 - 1
Spring 2022 - 2
Spring 2022 - 3
Spring 2022 - 4
Spring 2022 - 5
Spring 2022 - 6
Spring 2022 - 7
Spring 2022 - 8
Spring 2022 - 9
Spring 2022 - 10
Spring 2022 - 11
Spring 2022 - 12
Spring 2022 - 13
Spring 2022 - 14
Spring 2022 - 15
Spring 2022 - 16
Spring 2022 - 17
Spring 2022 - 18
Spring 2022 - 19
Spring 2022 - 20
Spring 2022 - 21
Spring 2022 - 22
Spring 2022 - 23
Spring 2022 - 24
Spring 2022 - 25
Spring 2022 - 26
Spring 2022 - 27
Spring 2022 - 28
Spring 2022 - 29
Spring 2022 - 30
Spring 2022 - 31
Spring 2022 - 32
Spring 2022 - 33
Spring 2022 - 34
Spring 2022 - 35
Spring 2022 - 36
Spring 2022 - 37
Spring 2022 - 38
Spring 2022 - 39
Spring 2022 - 40
Spring 2022 - 41
Spring 2022 - 42
Spring 2022 - 43