Spring 2023 - 23

ow many times do we begin our day thinking that we
have our daily workouts all planned out and our intended
plan goes awry minutes prior to beginning our exercise? Or
worse yet, as we are actually commencing our routine. When
duty calls upon first responders - and it does always call -
we will always sacrifice ourselves for our fellow brothers and
sisters, even when it comes to our workouts. So now, whether
we are called to work unexpected overtime, handle an issue
before a shift, or are told to report for an unexpected mission
at the last moment, we need to rapidly decide when in a time
crunch what is better to do in a short amount of time.
Is Interval or High-Intensity Interval Training better? Let's
look at both to determine from an educational standpoint,
which is better.
This is a type of exercise that is associated with maximal
uptake of oxygen and an increase in cardiac output. When
we train harder and more intensely, we consume oxygen at
maximal levels. Therefore, interval training increases our VO2
Max, lactate threshold, and overall anaerobic and aerobic
metabolism. Interval training is associated with training at
70%-80% of your maximal heart rate or Zone 3. Intervals
typically occur between three (3) to five (5) minutes. If an
individual does work for this timeframe then their rest period
will be the same time for a 1:1 work-to-rest ratio. An example
of this would be three minutes of work/exercise would yield
three minutes of rest. Those that are better trained can rest
for shorter periods. This ratio is prescribed in order to have
your glycolytic energy system well-rested in order for your
subsequent set to be performed at the same intensity as the
first. In order to perform interval training, a firm base of aerobic
capacity must be established by the individual initially in their
exercise regimen.
This, more commonly referred to as HIIT, is a form of interval
training that is associated with short and timed periods of very
high intensity. HIIT is associated with training at 80%-90%
and higher of your maximal heart rate or Zone 4. The benefits
tacticaltrainingandconditioning.com | 23

Spring 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spring 2023

Interactive Ad Index
Editor's Video
EMT & Fire
Crunch Time - When to Incorporate Interval & HIIT Workouts
Developing A Strong & Powerful Base
Weight Room Design to Fit Your Philosophy
Developing Data Management
Ready to Serve
Extraordinary Extensions
Spring 2023 - 1
Spring 2023 - 2
Spring 2023 - 3
Spring 2023 - 4
Spring 2023 - 5
Spring 2023 - Interactive Ad Index
Spring 2023 - 7
Spring 2023 - Editor's Video
Spring 2023 - 9
Spring 2023 - 10
Spring 2023 - 11
Spring 2023 - EMT & Fire
Spring 2023 - 13
Spring 2023 - Military
Spring 2023 - 15
Spring 2023 - Police
Spring 2023 - 17
Spring 2023 - 18
Spring 2023 - 19
Spring 2023 - 20
Spring 2023 - 21
Spring 2023 - Crunch Time - When to Incorporate Interval & HIIT Workouts
Spring 2023 - 23
Spring 2023 - 24
Spring 2023 - 25
Spring 2023 - 26
Spring 2023 - 27
Spring 2023 - Developing A Strong & Powerful Base
Spring 2023 - 29
Spring 2023 - 30
Spring 2023 - 31
Spring 2023 - Weight Room Design to Fit Your Philosophy
Spring 2023 - 33
Spring 2023 - 34
Spring 2023 - 35
Spring 2023 - Developing Data Management
Spring 2023 - 37
Spring 2023 - 38
Spring 2023 - 39
Spring 2023 - Ready to Serve
Spring 2023 - 41
Spring 2023 - Extraordinary Extensions
Spring 2023 - 43
Spring 2023 - 44