Spring 2023 - 24

of HIIT equal that of interval training with the added
benefit of increased running speed and running
economy. HIIT Training can be higher/greater than
VO2 max. This intensity will result in the ability to
push harder at your race's duration, or end, because
of the increased lactate threshold. HIIT training
can be for as little as 30 seconds or anywhere
between two to three minutes, at or exceeding the
same previous percentage with a rest period of 2-3
minutes or up to a 1:5 work-to-rest ratio.
Rest times are critical, especially with HIIT,
because the intensities are prescribed at higher
percentages. During HIIT, our glycolytic energy
system increases our blood lactate levels which
in turn increases our anaerobic capacity and
our metabolism. An added benefit of HIIT is the
increased caloric burn post-workout which is
called the Excess Post Oxygen Consumption
effect or the " EPOC/After-Burn Effect. " It is said
that the EPOC Effect can elevate caloric burn up
to 24-48 hours post-exercise.
Starting out with a dynamic stretching routine
prior to your training is essential. It is encouraged
to do this routine for at least ten (10) minutes but if
it is less, then make sure you conduct the dynamic
stretches that will replicate the movement patterns
you will conduct in your workout.
If conducting an endurance-based workout,
running, the rowing ergometer or bike ergometer
can be conducted for the prescribed times
previously mentioned above for perhaps fourto-six
rounds depending on your time crunch.
If conducting a resistance-based workout
with weights, it is better to utilize compound
movements that incorporate multiple bones,
joints, ligaments, and tendons along with
multiple muscle groups. This training can be
24 | Tactical Training & Conditioning | Spring 2023
conducted for the prescribed times previously
mentioned above for perhaps six-to-eight rounds
depending on your time crunch. Examples of this
would be the bench press, deadlift, squat, lunge,
push-up (weighted if possible), and the IYT
Raise with TRX bands. These movements can
be conducted as a superset, one immediately
after another, or you can combine two exercises
into one such as squats with an overhead press,
or bench press immediately to remaining on the
bench in the sitting position to jump upwards
from the bench to explosively work your legs in a
plyometric exercise.
Or perhaps a bench press followed by jumping
rope for 30 seconds/running in place or a
dumbbell press with a sandbag hold in the front
rack position to work the anterior chain for 30
seconds. The possibilities are endless, simply
think outside the box.
An added benefit of HIIT with weights is that
it will really accelerate fat burning as it helps
you develop lean muscle. Lastly, because of the
high intensities, intervals, and HIIT training for
those starting out, should not be conducted
more than one to two times per week to avoid,
overtraining your body and central nervous
system fatigue. Remember to implement proper
form and technique in your exercise regimens
for career longevity. n
Daniel J. Borowick, of DOMEX Strength
and Fitness, LLC can be contacted at
DOMEXstrengthandfitness@gmail.com, cor
his Facebook page. Borowick, MS, CSCS, is a
former DEA Special Agent. Currently, Borowick
is a strength and conditioning specialist for GAP
Solutions Inc., as a private contractor serving the
US Army's 1st Armored Division SUST BDE/22nd
Chemical BDN in their Holistic, Health, and
Fitness (H2F) Program.

Spring 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spring 2023

Interactive Ad Index
Editor's Video
EMT & Fire
Crunch Time - When to Incorporate Interval & HIIT Workouts
Developing A Strong & Powerful Base
Weight Room Design to Fit Your Philosophy
Developing Data Management
Ready to Serve
Extraordinary Extensions
Spring 2023 - 1
Spring 2023 - 2
Spring 2023 - 3
Spring 2023 - 4
Spring 2023 - 5
Spring 2023 - Interactive Ad Index
Spring 2023 - 7
Spring 2023 - Editor's Video
Spring 2023 - 9
Spring 2023 - 10
Spring 2023 - 11
Spring 2023 - EMT & Fire
Spring 2023 - 13
Spring 2023 - Military
Spring 2023 - 15
Spring 2023 - Police
Spring 2023 - 17
Spring 2023 - 18
Spring 2023 - 19
Spring 2023 - 20
Spring 2023 - 21
Spring 2023 - Crunch Time - When to Incorporate Interval & HIIT Workouts
Spring 2023 - 23
Spring 2023 - 24
Spring 2023 - 25
Spring 2023 - 26
Spring 2023 - 27
Spring 2023 - Developing A Strong & Powerful Base
Spring 2023 - 29
Spring 2023 - 30
Spring 2023 - 31
Spring 2023 - Weight Room Design to Fit Your Philosophy
Spring 2023 - 33
Spring 2023 - 34
Spring 2023 - 35
Spring 2023 - Developing Data Management
Spring 2023 - 37
Spring 2023 - 38
Spring 2023 - 39
Spring 2023 - Ready to Serve
Spring 2023 - 41
Spring 2023 - Extraordinary Extensions
Spring 2023 - 43
Spring 2023 - 44