Spring 2023 - 37

Click to view graph at a larger scale.
here's a lot of interest in the H2F program
across the army and across American
society. When it comes to wearable technology,
frankly, the Army is less interested in the device
that a soldier wears.
At the end of this year, it was congressionally
mandated to do a study on what we can learn
with wearables. That will happen down at Fort
Benning, Georgia. And then later on at Fort
Jackson, South Carolina.
And the Army is going to kit up soldiers with
wearable devices, all different makes and models,
but the focus will really be on the HTF data
management system. What is it that they are
tracking in terms of resting heart rate, VO2 Max,
and how well are they sleeping? Some of it will
have to be data that they enter themselves in
terms of their diet, how they're feeling that day,
and whether or not they're even motivated to
execute training for that day. And the data will be
collected that'll be really good.
" At the end of the day, what we want to
achieve is we want a soldier, an individual
soldier to better understand themselves, " Major
General John D. Kline said. " I want them to better
understand that when they do these certain
activities, physically, when they sleep like as they
should, when they eat as they should, or if they
don't, they will get to see the effects of that as
communicated through the wearable or through
the through an application. "
Imagine the power. If a leader could, even at
the aggregate level, see what is going on within
their formation, how well they're sleeping, how
well they are physically active. Are they showing
an increase in VO2 Max? Are they watching
resting heart rate start to drop which could be an
unhealthy indicator of whether or not individuals
are affected when they lose a teammate within
the formation?
" We want to we want the Army to learn from
this immense amount of data as we look to
the future and what that informs is yet to be
uncovered, " Kline said. n
tacticaltrainingandconditioning.com | 37

Spring 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Spring 2023

Interactive Ad Index
Editor's Video
EMT & Fire
Crunch Time - When to Incorporate Interval & HIIT Workouts
Developing A Strong & Powerful Base
Weight Room Design to Fit Your Philosophy
Developing Data Management
Ready to Serve
Extraordinary Extensions
Spring 2023 - 1
Spring 2023 - 2
Spring 2023 - 3
Spring 2023 - 4
Spring 2023 - 5
Spring 2023 - Interactive Ad Index
Spring 2023 - 7
Spring 2023 - Editor's Video
Spring 2023 - 9
Spring 2023 - 10
Spring 2023 - 11
Spring 2023 - EMT & Fire
Spring 2023 - 13
Spring 2023 - Military
Spring 2023 - 15
Spring 2023 - Police
Spring 2023 - 17
Spring 2023 - 18
Spring 2023 - 19
Spring 2023 - 20
Spring 2023 - 21
Spring 2023 - Crunch Time - When to Incorporate Interval & HIIT Workouts
Spring 2023 - 23
Spring 2023 - 24
Spring 2023 - 25
Spring 2023 - 26
Spring 2023 - 27
Spring 2023 - Developing A Strong & Powerful Base
Spring 2023 - 29
Spring 2023 - 30
Spring 2023 - 31
Spring 2023 - Weight Room Design to Fit Your Philosophy
Spring 2023 - 33
Spring 2023 - 34
Spring 2023 - 35
Spring 2023 - Developing Data Management
Spring 2023 - 37
Spring 2023 - 38
Spring 2023 - 39
Spring 2023 - Ready to Serve
Spring 2023 - 41
Spring 2023 - Extraordinary Extensions
Spring 2023 - 43
Spring 2023 - 44