summer-2024 - 10
Stress on Stress
The reality of the job and the importance of holistic training
By Jim McDonald, CSCS, CPT, TSAC-F
s firefighters get further into their careers,
they start to see and feel the effects of
stress. The interrupted sleep on shift, the mental
effects of traumatic calls, and the sustained
hypervigilance of the Central Nervous System
(CNS). When on a shift, we are constantly on
edge and ready for the unknown - constant fight
or flight mode. These are all things we don't think
about as firefighters, but they can have critical
and lasting effects on our lives.
We may not feel the hypervigilance of the CNS
while on shift, but it is real. We switch modes the
night before, or on the way to the station. This
work mode is constant throughout the entire shift.
We're in work mode for 24 to 48 hours and if we
work overtime up to 72 hours. Most professionals'
work modes don't include such acute and
constant activation of the CNS.
This acute and sustained activation of the CNS
has a huge impact on us as humans. We aren't
wired to be in this state of constant fight or flight
(hypervigilance) for so long. Our bodies are built
to have this be a quick state, for hunting prey
or evading predators. Our CNS is built to work
intensely to get us out of a bad situation and then
recover from it and return to homeostasis quickly.
10 | Tactical Training & Conditioning | Summer 2024
Unfortunately, as first responders, our CNSs get
abused. This state of hypervigilance increases
hormonal response to cortisol, adrenaline,
norepinephrine, etc. There is a cascade effect,
and over time it takes a nasty toll on the body.
What's worse is that typically a firefighter's CNS
is not only activated for their full 24-48 hour shift
but begins being activated well before shift (as
we get into work mode) and continues long after
the shift is over.
So, what can we do to help mitigate the effects
of our shift work, CNS hypervigilance, and the
impact of the job on us as firefighters? The answer:
many of the holistic basics we already know about
- eating healthy natural foods, having a sleep
routine for more restorative sleep, getting a full 7-9
hours of sleep each night, and exercising. However,
beware - working out can also put CNS stress on a
person, exacerbating the situation.
A holistic training regimen integrates various
components of fitness, including strength,
endurance, flexibility, mobility, and mental
resilience. This comprehensive approach ensures
that firefighters are not only physically prepared
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of summer-2024
Interactive Ad Index
Editor's Video
Overcoming the Aftermath
No Off-Season
The Recovery Standard Project
Mentally Strong
Practice Makes Purposes
summer-2024 - 1
summer-2024 - 2
summer-2024 - 3
summer-2024 - 4
summer-2024 - 5
summer-2024 - Interactive Ad Index
summer-2024 - Editor's Video
summer-2024 - 8
summer-2024 - 9
summer-2024 - EMT & FIRE
summer-2024 - 11
summer-2024 - 12
summer-2024 - 13
summer-2024 - Military
summer-2024 - 15
summer-2024 - Police
summer-2024 - 17
summer-2024 - Overcoming the Aftermath
summer-2024 - 19
summer-2024 - 20
summer-2024 - 21
summer-2024 - No Off-Season
summer-2024 - 23
summer-2024 - 24
summer-2024 - 25
summer-2024 - The Recovery Standard Project
summer-2024 - 27
summer-2024 - Mentally Strong
summer-2024 - 29
summer-2024 - Practice Makes Purposes
summer-2024 - 31
summer-2024 - 32