Winter 2024 - 23

there's invariably a loss in performance or " cost. "
We measure that cost in specific physical and
cognitive domains, and that allows the therapists
and trainers to customize their training with
suggested activities to improve performance. So
that covers the full range.
Now, all that said, we, as a company, are
cognizant of the fact that the focus is on
standardized tests and we need to develop more.
And that will be specific to tactical athletes. So
we're working with the military in various ways to
develop those additional assessments that can be
used for the tactical performance.
On how this technology can be beneficial to
the tactical performance industry...
West: The range of benefits to the tactical
operators is substantial. Everything from cognitive
speed, agility, and endurance to physical speed
and agility, endurance, and the ability to do both
together. They can benefit from the ability to
tolerate distractions both visual and cognitive, and
the ability to tolerate high-pressure conditions with
consequences. The system is set up to challenge the
user to do all the things we've talked about and do it
over time. It may be a three or five-minute session.
By the end of that five minutes, you are really
exhausted, both physically and mentally.
One of my favorite games is " Go, No, Go, " where
the lights light up and you've got either a green | 23
symbol or a red symbol. When the green symbol
lights up you hit the green symbol. But if you see
the red symbol, you pull back, and if you hit the
red symbol accidentally, you get penalized. So
there are all kinds of ways where this applies to
tactical performance. n

Winter 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Winter 2024

Interactive Ad Index
Editor's Video
Seeing Improvement
Brain-Body Connection
More With Less
Tracking Tech
Winter 2024 - 1
Winter 2024 - 2
Winter 2024 - 3
Winter 2024 - 4
Winter 2024 - 5
Winter 2024 - Interactive Ad Index
Winter 2024 - Editor's Video
Winter 2024 - 8
Winter 2024 - 9
Winter 2024 - EMT & FIRE
Winter 2024 - 11
Winter 2024 - 12
Winter 2024 - 13
Winter 2024 - Military
Winter 2024 - 15
Winter 2024 - 16
Winter 2024 - 17
Winter 2024 - Police
Winter 2024 - 19
Winter 2024 - Seeing Improvement
Winter 2024 - 21
Winter 2024 - Brain-Body Connection
Winter 2024 - 23
Winter 2024 - More With Less
Winter 2024 - 25
Winter 2024 - 26
Winter 2024 - 27
Winter 2024 - Tracking Tech