Winter 2024 - 26

The mass production of GPS technology helps
law enforcement track health and wellness
By Daniel Borowick, MS, CSCS, founder of DOMEX
Strength & Fitness LLC, former DEA Special Agent
n today's world, the law enforcement field
has benefited from not only technological
advancements for tangible assets such as
an officer's duty gear, raid equipment, police
vehicles, and computers to name a few but
additionally the advancements have been seen
in the domain of health and wellness.
Throughout law enforcement, as the same
in the general population, health and wellness
programs are being devised for employees to
become part of healthier and more productive
employees for the department they serve and
their community but most importantly their
family and loved ones. The challenges that law
enforcement officers face are mental and physical.
It is the police department's health and wellness
programs that offer a holistic point of view and
approach to care for, rehabilitate, and prepare
the officer to be most fit for duty. Their health
26 | Tactical Training & Conditioning | Winter 2024
and well-being are integral components to the
success and longevity of their career.
Mental Health
Law enforcement officers frequently encounter
very difficult incidents which range from
witnessing violent crimes, violent acts committed
against them, murder and death, anti-cop
sentiment, and seeing their fellow officers make
the ultimate sacrifice. All of this can lead to Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which affects
their physical and mental health. In the physical
realm, officers may encounter themselves with a
lack of willingness to exercise in their program.
They may lose strength, power, muscular
endurance, lean muscle mass, and cardiovascular
capacity and become less fit both anaerobically
and aerobically. Worse yet, when cardiovascular
health declines, cardiovascular disease sets in

Winter 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Winter 2024

Interactive Ad Index
Editor's Video
Seeing Improvement
Brain-Body Connection
More With Less
Tracking Tech
Winter 2024 - 1
Winter 2024 - 2
Winter 2024 - 3
Winter 2024 - 4
Winter 2024 - 5
Winter 2024 - Interactive Ad Index
Winter 2024 - Editor's Video
Winter 2024 - 8
Winter 2024 - 9
Winter 2024 - EMT & FIRE
Winter 2024 - 11
Winter 2024 - 12
Winter 2024 - 13
Winter 2024 - Military
Winter 2024 - 15
Winter 2024 - 16
Winter 2024 - 17
Winter 2024 - Police
Winter 2024 - 19
Winter 2024 - Seeing Improvement
Winter 2024 - 21
Winter 2024 - Brain-Body Connection
Winter 2024 - 23
Winter 2024 - More With Less
Winter 2024 - 25
Winter 2024 - 26
Winter 2024 - 27
Winter 2024 - Tracking Tech