ADVERTISEMENT " When Safe Hydration Is Your #1 Priority " Time out trainers, your hydration help is here!! You understand the importance of having a procedure or piece of equipment which you rely on to always perform to expectations, making your job easier. Properly hydrating your athletes is always a top priority, but add the pressures of safely doing it during a pandemic, it can be a tough job. Wheelin' Water with our new " NO CONTACT " Sports Hydration System, is just the tool you need. Athletes can safely and easily get all the ice cold water they need. Water dispensers are conveniently spaced with ample room for access. Athletes simply place their hand under a sensor and water is dispensed until hand is moved away. No contact! No touching! No foot pedals! No water bottles! No messy paper cups to clean up after! No sanitizing! There are seven different systems, from 15 to 50 gallons, all designed to safely hydrate , while making your job easier. 260.452.6478 * wheelinwater.com