ATC Survey Results What's On Your Mind? We asked athletic trainers to `rank` the industry issues they feel are most concerning. Though 'Mental Health/Workload Burnout' was the category that received the most " very concerned " with 50% of responses, it ranks just behind " Additional Responsibilities " and " Sport Specialization " when combining " most concerned " responses with " somewhat concerned " responses. n CATEGORIES Additional Responsibilities/ Time Constraints Sport Specialization Mental Health/Workload Burnout Reduced Funding Legal/Liability Issues Fair Compensation/Salary Client-to-Trainer Ratio Scope of Practice (clarifying & expanding care of ATCs) Problems with Parents Proper Facility Access/ Maintenance Improving Communication (w/ coaches/parents,ADs) Difficult Administrators Job Security Diversity & Inclusion At Least Somewhat Concerned (%) 85% 84% 83% 80% 78% 77% 77% 76% 75% Client Advocacy & Education 73% 73% 73% 69% 65% 62% IN THEIR OWN WORDS... ON DEALING WITH WORKLOAD BURNOUT Make time for themselves. Learn to say sorry, the training room is closed for the day. Doctor's offices tell patients that all the time. You are not the ER or a late night prompt care clinic. Have to have a good working relationship with your Administration. They have to have the understanding when scheduling of your time and home life. Re-evaluate with your employer what is causing the burnout. Is it the stress of non-compliance/ difficult patients or is unrealistic hours/workload? From there make a plan. Also, is it really burnout, or are you just stretching yourself too thin between home demands and work demands? TOP 5 SPORTS WITH MOST INJURIES ACCORDING TO ATCS Football Basketball Soccer Baseball Ice Hockey | 13