Product Marketplace VersaClimber LZR7 Laser & Light Therapy Waterboy Sports Functional Sport-Specific Training VersaPulley is an inertial flywheeltraining device used by many of the world's top teams, therapists and trainers. VersaPulley's efficiency comes from its ability to perform exercises in both horizontal and vertical applications. This allows the user to train at any load, at any speed, and at any angle - both concentrically and eccentrically. Visit No More Guessing with Laser Treatments - The LZR7™ Laser Area Probe System provides the Perfect Treatment Dose. This system features 66% more cool power, which results in 66% quicker treatment times. The company also offers the most powerful light therapy at an affordable price. Call (888)-333-7511 for more information or email | During the COVID-19 crisis, Waterboy Sports is here to guide you through prepping hydration systems for use by sanitizing and evaluating them for service and/or repair needs. Email us ( and include a brief description of the issue(s) and your phone number. Hang tough America!! We'll beat this thing. GET MORE FROM TRAINING & CONDITIONING Sign up for our free e-newsletters featuring top stories and the latest products for sports medicine and strength/conditioning professionals. SIGN UP NOW 38 | Training & Conditioning | March/April 2020