VEG CONNECTIONS FIGURE 1. Revenue $4.70 $4.30 $3.90 $3.50 $3.10 $2.70 $2.30 $1.90 $1.50 Revenue, Total Costs and Net Return Net return ($/ft2 ) Costs ($/ft2 ) Biological Treatments Figure 1. Revenue, total cost and net return of 12 treatment combinations in high-tunnel spinach. computed the profitability and economic loss analyses to assess the cost-efficiency of each treatment. Economic viability of biopesticides, biocontrols Figure 1 reveals the revenue, cost and return of 12 biocontrol treatments for aphids on hightunnel spinach at our research farm. All analyses were conducted in dollars per-square-foot ($/ft²). To develop economic models relevant to commercial farms, we first estimated the cost of producing one pound of spinach per square foot on a small urban farm (1.5-acres, 30-plus vegetables produced under high tunnels). The production cost was estimated at $1.56 per pound, which included seed, fertilizer and other variable and fixed costs. We then computed total costs by adding the cost of each of the 12 biocontrol treatments to the production cost (see Table 1). Revenue was calculated by multiplying the average yield (pound/ ft²) by the average price received by 26 | APRIL 2024 Researchers tested 12 combinations of biopesticides and biocontrol predators to rate the effectiveness of aphid control. $/ft2 Adalia bipunctata + Water Adalia bipunctata + Neemix Adalia bipunctata + Pyganic Adalia bipunctata + Sil-matrix Chrysoperla carnea + Water Chrysoperla carnea + Neemix Chrysoperla carnea + Pyganic Chrysoperla carnea + Sil-matrix Orius insidiosus + Water Orius insidiosus + Neemix Orius insidiosus + Pyganic Orius insidiosus + Sil-matrix