FEND OFF WORMS THIS SEASON As the world's leading biological insecticide, DiPel® DF Biological Insecticide provides fast-acting, long-lasting control on more than 30 species of Lepidopteran (worm) pests, including tent caterpillar and various armyworms, loopers, tobacco budworms, cutworms and fruitworms, ensuring you grow strong all season long. Contact your PCA or Retailer to learn more or visit Valent.com/DiPel Products That Work, From People Who Care® | valent.com | 800-6-VALENT (682-5368) Always read and follow label instructions. Products That Work, From People Who Care is a registered trademark of Valent U.S.A. LLC. DiPel is a registered trademark of Valent BioSciences LLC. ©2020 Valent U.S.A. LLC. All rights reserved. 2020-DIP-6001 DiPel DF is NOP compliant and OMRI listed for organic production. VGN | FEBRUARY 2021 | 9http://www.Valent.com/DiPel http://www.valent.com