PLANT & SOIL HEALTH Fusarium wilt damage. To prevent spread of a new fusarium strain to other fields, researchers recommend growers practice good sanitation and diligently clean equipment between fields. said he should have a comprehensive understanding of the distribution of CA Fof race 2 in California strawberry fields. The first of the three strains of Fof race 1 in California was discovered in 2006. It took 15 years for the pathogen to become widespread throughout the state. The destructive potential of fusarium wilt is exemplified in the Watsonville/Salinas growing region, where Fof race 1 is the most common pathogen of susceptible cultivars. Monterey, the most common variety, is susceptible. Fumigation often fails to adequately control Fof race 1 and FW1-resistant cultivars have been a lifeline to growers in highly infested fields. " New varieties with resistance to CA Fof race 2 are urgently needed to provide a management solution for growers facing this pest, " Henry said. " Hopefully, the spread of this new strain will be much slower than that of Fof race 1, which will allow breeders the time necessary to produce agronomically-suitable cultivars with this trait. " While scientists breed resistant varieties, growers must rely on other control methods, including abandoning infected fields to prevent the build-up of inoculum that is inevitable when a susceptible strawberry variety is Procraft VEGETABLEGROWERSNEWS.COM | 33 http://www.VEGETABLEGROWERSNEWS.COM