SEED VARIETY SHOWCASE JOHNNY'S SELECTED SEEDS A. Harvest Moon tomato Firm, consistently sized (7-10 oz.), golden fruits. Fewer defects and oversized fruits than the heirlooms it imitates. Offers a sustained harvest with terrific fruit set all the way up the plant. Compact indeterminate plants with a more balanced habit, well-suited for basket-weave systems. Bred by Emily Rose Haga at Johnny's. B. Gershwin cucumber Great for growers looking for an extra-early flush of uniform pickling cukes. Very high-yields of dark green, 4-41/2 " fruit. If isolated from other cucumbers, Gershwin will remain seedless and hold its size for several days. Good for hand or machine harvest. Determinate fruit set. Gynoecious and parthenocarpic. B A Valor Sumo Osceola Red Coral SEEDLESS WATERMELON LONG DAY ONION Early maturing with firm flesh, blocky fruit shape and a medium dark green, pixelated rind. Good fielding holding ability. Long day mid-late variety. Bulb size is the colossal range. Excellent storage period. Resistant to Fusarium and basal rot GREEN CABBAGE Large green cabbage that serves dual purpose for processor/ fresh market. This cabbage has good field holding ability. HYBRID GRAPE TOMATO Heavy yields of uniform grape tomatoes set on true determinate plants. Has good flavor and sweetness consumers love. For information on these and other Clifton Seed varieties, visit our website: or call (800) 231-9359 or (866) 342-5893 to find a sales representative in your area. ftil 28 | NOVEMBER 2023