ADVERTISEMENT Galago RZ - Galago RZ is a smooth type spinach with dark color and upright growing habit. It is very strong against downy mildew. Galago RZ keeps good speed in cold periods and has heavy texture for higher yields. Neurita RZ - Neurita RZ is a small Crunchy Lettuce for spring, summer and autumn production. Neurita RZ is slow bolting and has solid ribs. Chiriaco RZ - Chiriaco RZ is a LSL green honeydew melon with concentrated fruit setting, firm flesh and small cavity. High yielding variety accompanied with excellent flavor. Lavender RZ - Lavender RZ is a hybrid purple cauliflower with good wrap and uniform coloring, including brilliant purple internal florets. It has a dense and smooth curd, and grows well from late spring to late autumn. It performs well in moderate winter conditions and is excellent for fresh and processing markets. Swingma RZ - Swingma RZ is an adaptable hybrid blue green cabbage suitable for fresh-cut and processing markets. It maintains a round shape at various planting densities and has strong vigor through all growing seasons. Swingma RZ has high resistance to FOC:1 and can be harvested from early to late season in approximately 80 days. Boxfish RZ - Boxfish RZ is a smooth type spinach with slightly darker color and a wider planting window. This variety has a very strong mildew package and is strong against Stemphylium. Lennon RZ - Lennon RZ is a parthenocarpic pickling cucumber variety with high yield harvest. It has attractive fruit with no bitter taste, good skin texture and excellent brine and processing ability. Binturong RZ - Binturong RZ is a bunching type spinach for winter production. It has long stems with dark round leaf, which results in an attractive bunch. The stem is thick but flexible for higher yields per acre. Gerenuk RZ - Gerenuk RZ is a semi-savoy type for cool season production. Ideal for baby leaf and teen leaf markets, it is strong on leaf spot pathogens, white rust and Fusarium wilt. Additionally, it is uniform growing with high yield potential.