SHOT-FAKE, CLOSEOUT DRILL WORKS A VARIETY OF SKILLS By Tom Oswald, former men's basketball coach, Texas Lutheran University T ..his is a versatile, effective drill that we use for ..both offensive and defensive purposes. ON DEFENSE The drill is especially helpful in two primary areas - closeouts and defensive help. * Closeouts - This drill helps players learn how to stay down on closeouts and to contain penetration within two defensive slides. * Defensive Help - This drill is a great teaching tool to help players learn how to stop the ball while remaining in a defensive stance and ready to close out to the next pass. 18 WINNING HOOPS COACHES PLAYBOOK 2022 ON OFFENSE This drill aids in the development of three critical - and often overlooked - offensive skills. * Shot fakes - Good technique on shot fakes enables better penetration. * Penetration - This drill helps players learn how to stay under control if defensive help arrives, and how to read teammates for kick-outs. * Moving without the Ball - The repetitions in this drill help players learn how to stay moving during any penetration and to keep the feet/ hands at the ready to receive a pass and take a good shot.