DIAGRAM 1 DIAGRAM 2 DIAGRAM 3 DIAGRAM 4 There are slight alterations that still make this a Triangle-&-2 defensive formation. You now have X1 at the top of the triangle ready to close out on the offensive player on the wing. If the ball is passed to the wing X1 would close out and X4 would cover the high-post area. X1 stays in to help with penetration and the high post until the ball is passed to the wing. BASELINE OVERLOADS CORNER ATTACKS To counter your Triangle-&-2 you'll run into situations where the offense will try and flatten out the defenders that are on a man along the baseline. The offense will then try and split the defender on the top of the triangle. In this case, you will invert the triangle and move one of your post defenders to the elbow. DIAGRAM 3: Inverted Triangle - Note that you're still in a triangle just not the traditional triangle. This approach can confuse teams and make them think that you're in a man-to-man since you're matched up with the offense. There are also situations where an opponent may try to put someone in the corner to break down your WINNING HOOPS COACHES PLAYBOOK 2022 35