DIAGRAM 1 DIAGRAM 2 DIAGRAM 3 explode Coach Coach backpedal backpedal Coach DIAGRAM 4 DIAGRAM 5 DIAGRAM 6 Coach Coach Coach DIAGRAM 7 DIAGRAM 8 DIAGRAM 9 DIAGRAM 10 and misses it intentionally. On the missed shot, the offensive and defensive player both battle for the rebound. Since the defensive player had inside positioning on the block, proper box-out technique should be stressed in this drill. The offensive player should work on reading the ball while it's in the air, trying to use quickness to get around a defender and trying to judge how the ball caroms off of the rim. The drill should be run for three successive repetitions. Players should then switch roles and continue for three more reps. After those reps have been completed, the drill should be moved to the other side of the court. Keep all of the drills within the rebounding triple play fast and intense. To increase the intensity level, coaches can keep score and add a reward/punishment incentive for all the drill's winners and losers. WINNINGHOOPS.COM 13 Coach Coach Coach Coachhttp://www.WINNINGHOOPS.COM