MEMBER MATTERS Cultural Trivia How well do you know Norway's national symbols? Test your knowledge and find the answers on page 30. 1. What is Norway's national royal animal? a. Lion (løve) b. Moose (elg) c. Eagle (ørn) d. Puffin (lundefugl) 4. What is Norway's national flower? a. Geitram (fireweed) b. Kusymre (primrose) c. Bergfrue (mountain queen) 2. What is Norway's national animal? a. Walrus (hvalross) b. Moose (elg) c. Arctic fox (Arktisk rev) d. Puffin (lundefugl) 3. What is Norway's national bird? a. Puffin (lundefugl) b. White-tailed eagle (havørn) c. Gray heron (grå hegre) d. White-throated dipper (fossekall) d. Marisko (yellow lady's slipper) 5. What is Norway's national dish? a. Lutefisk (dried cod soaked in lye) b. Raspeball (potato dumpling) c. Lefse (traditional Norwegian flatbread) d. Fårikål (mutton and cabbage stew) BOOK OF THE MONTH GET CREATIVE " Bedtime for Bo " by Norwegian author Kjersti Annesdatter Skomsvold is a New York Times/New York Public Library Best Illustrated Children's Book of 2022. When it's time for Bo to get ready for bed, he decides he's not done playing. Why would he want to go to bed when he could be a giraffe, a walrus or a sea otter instead? Bo's mom uses how animals get ready for bed to help Bo through his nighttime routine. 20 Mar/Apr 2023 Make Your Own Bunad Pattern Norway's traditional folk costume is called the bunad and usually has patterns composed of flowers, dots and swirls with intricate details. The most common time to see a bunad is around Norway's national day (Constitution Day) on May 17, but some people also pull out their bunads for weddings, folk dances, baptisms, birthdays or Christmas. Grab some craft paper and markers to make your own bunad pattern. For some inspiration, find out where your ancestors came from in Norway and look up that region's traditional bunad. Sons of Norway's Genealogy Guide can help you find this info and get in touch with your Norwegian heritage. Visit the Genealogy section of Member Resources on to get started. ILLUSTRATION: BNP DESIGN STUDIO/ADOBE Kids' Corner A LITTLE FUN FOR KIDS OF ALL AGES