H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 11

regional ammonia production/export hub. According to
Persero, by 2030, Indonesia's production of green, blue
and gray ammonia will reach nearly 1 MMtpy, 2.15 MMtpy
and 7 MMtpy, respectively. Indonesia is targeting nearly
3.5 MMtpy of blue ammonia production by 2040.16
Although South Korea's H2
ecosystem is currently based
on gray H2 production routes, the government has created
a pathway to increase green/blue H2
production to help
decarbonize the country's economy. According to South
Korea's Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE),
the country has three major growth strategies to build out
a domestic clean H2
Level Up.17
supply chain: Scale-Up, Build-Up and
The following is a breakdown of each segment
of this program (known as 3UP) according to South Korea's
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI):
* Scale-Up: This strategy includes expanding clean
demand domestically for power generation
and transportation, increasing the deployment of
-fueled heavy-transport vehicles (e.g., buses,
heavy-duty trucks)-METI has announced an action
plan to produce 30,000 H2
-fueled commercial
vehicles by 2030-and developing large-scale
production bases outside South Korea.
* Build-Up: This strategy focuses on developing a
legal framework and building an installed asset
base for H2
distribution infrastructure (e.g., H2
fueling stations, pipelines, H2/ammonia receiving
terminals). For example, one of METI's action plans
is to build 70 liquid H2
Build-Up plan also includes opening a H2
fueling stations by 2030. The
market, H2 business laws and a clean H2 certification
system. South Korea aims to have green H2
comprise approximately 93% of domestic hydrogen
consumption by 2050 and more than 7% of the
country's total energy mix by the mid-2030s.
* Level Up: This program focuses on advancing and optimizing
technical innovation in the country's H2
chain and lifecycle from production to distribution.17
Additional low-/zero-carbon H2
projects in Asia are listed in TABLE 2. These investments will
help the region meet net-zero goals and establish a low-carbon
economy and H2
value chains.
In late 2020, the government of Canada released the
Hydrogen Strategy for Canada, which detailed the role H2
will play in the region's 2050 net-zero ambitions.
According to the report, Canada is targeting H2
deliver up to 30% of the region's end-use energy by 2050-
this would increase domestic H2
demand to 4 MMtpy by
2030 and up to 20 MMtpy by 2050. The strategy is based
on eight pillars-strategic partnerships, de-risking investments,
innovation, codes and standards, enabling policies
and regulations, awareness, regional blueprints, and international
markets-that will ultimately lead to Canada's
vision for 2050 (FIG. 10).
To increase H2
pathways. These pathways include electrolysis (green H2
fossil fuels (blue H2
production, Canada plans to use mixed
, which will include CCS or CCUS), gasification
of biomass and production as a byproduct from
industrial operations. These routes will enable Canada to
decarbonize several industrial sectors, including transportation
(the nation plans to have more than 5 MM fuel-cell
EVs on the road by 2050), mining, manufacturing, power,
as well as utilizing H2
as a feedstock for the refining and
chemical processing industries.
Each province has its own directives and pathways to
promote the development of a green H2
value chain. At
the time of this publication, the GEI database was tracking
more than 50 H2
projects in the region. At 32%, the province
of Alberta holds the highest market share in active
developments. Alberta is followed by British Columbia
(22%), Quebec (16%), Ontario (14%), Nova Scotia (8%), and
Newfoundland and Labrador (7%), with other provinces
accounting for 1%. Notable H2
projects and initiatives in
Canada are detailed in TABLE 3.
According to the GEI database, Western Europe holds
a nearly 50% market share in active H2
projects, more than
doubling its closest competitor Asia (20%). For decades,
Western Europe has been the leader in establishing new
directives and initiatives to promote cleaner transportation
fuels and power generation. Over the past few years,
the region has made significant strides to establish and
expand the use of H2
within the European Union's (EU's)
borders-a result of the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions to limit global warming to
1.5°C-2°C in this century.
To combat GHG emissions in the EU, the region will
continue to invest heavily in new H2
production capacity
and infrastructure. This H2 supply/value chain will help
decarbonize the region's industrial, mobility and energy
sectors to reach net-zero goals by 2050.
According to the European Commission's (EC's) H2
and REPowerEU, the EU will conduct a phased approach
to implementing H2
infrastructure and production to 2050:
FIG. 10. Canada's H2 vision for 2050. Source: Hydrogen
Strategy for Canada.
https://globalenergyinfrastructure.com/ https://globalenergyinfrastructure.com/ http://www.H2-Tech.com

H2Tech Market Data 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2024

H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 1
H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 2
H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 3
H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 4
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H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 10
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H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 15
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