H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 16

infrastructure to transport H2
to domestic demand centers
(e.g., the H2ercules project, the Clean Hydrogen Coastline
project), the development of numerous H2
for mass transit and marine vessels (e.g., H2
fueling stations
to help decarbonize the German mobility sector, utilizing
trains being used in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan
region, Saarbahn's green H2
cross-border transport network,
H2-powered tugboats to be used at the Port of Hamburg),
the creation of H2
storage facilities in underground
salt caverns, utilizing green H2 to help power German refineries
and petrochemical facilities (e.g., TotalEnergies use
of green H2
(e.g., Stadtwerke Kiel's plant conversion project,
Equinor-RWE's H2-powered power plants initiative).
To encourage additional H2
at its Leuna refinery), and converting and/or
building new gas-fired combined heat-and-power plants
to run off H2
concepts, the Federal
Ministry of Digital and Transport launched the HyLand-
Hydrogen Regions in Germany competition in 2019. The
program's concept is to provide advice, funding and other
technical/project assistance to regional H2
with the goal of helping Germany reach its net-zero targets
by 2050. The first two rounds of the program-which
were separated into three different categories (HyStarter,
HyExperts, HyPerformer) based on the stage in the project's/concept's
development-awarded 55 regions (25
in HyLand 1 and 30 in HyLand 2) with project funding/
assistance.26 These projects are imperative to creating an
integrated H2
ecosystem within Germany.
The Netherlands. The country's H2
start up 500 MW of green H2
strategy aims to
production capacity by 2025,
increasing to 4 GW by 2030 and doubling to a total of 8
GW by 2033. To help boost domestic clean energy production,
the country's government has allocated €9 B-part
of the Netherlands' €35 B energy transition fund-to help
expediate green H2
capacity investments. Approximately
€1 B will be made available in 2024 to large-scale green
electrolyzer projects. Nearly €4 B will be allocated in 2025,
with the rest of the allocated funds to be released in subsequent
At the time of this publication, the GEI database was
tracking more than 70 active H2
projects in the Netherlands.
These initiatives include the development of the world's
largest offshore-to-H2
. The H2
project (the North of the Wadden
Islands project, or Ten noorden van de Waddeneilanden)
that will provide renewable energy and feedstock to produce
green H2
H2 network project [H2
will be connected partly to Gasunie's
Energy Applications in Valley Environments
for Northern Netherlands (HEAVENN)], which
links five industrial clusters to each other and to neighboring
areas and H2 storage facilities. Also offshore, a
consortium-SwitcH2 B.V., BW Offshore Norway, MARIN,
TU Delft and Strohm-is developing the OFFSET project.
This project will utilize a floating production storage and
offloading (FPSO) vessel to produce green ammonia.
The Port of Rotterdam will also witness a green H2
transformation. Several companies and consortiums have
announced plans to develop green H2
infrastructure at
the port and surrounding areas. For example, the Port of
Rotterdam has cleared available land for the development
of both green H2
import facilities. The additional green H2
-Fifty projects).
production plants and green ammonia
will help decarbonize
different industrial sectors in the country, including
being used in bp and Neste's refineries (e.g., the MultiPLHY
and HyCC H2
The Port of Rotterdam is one of three potential H2
being developed in the Netherlands. The other two include
North Netherlands and North Holland initiatives. These
three H2
valleys include multiple capital-intensive projects
to help the Netherlands reach its net-zero ambitions.
Spain. Adopted in 2020, Spain's initial H2
roadmap targeted
the installation of 300 MW-600 MW of electrolyzer
capacity by 2025, increasing to 4 GW by 2030. However,
a new renewable energy/green H2
draft was unveiled in
mid-2023 that significantly increases domestic renewable
energy and green H2
production. Spain's new goals target
11 GW of electrolyzer capacity and approximately 160 GW
of renewable energy capacity in operation by 2030. If
achieved, renewable energy capacity will comprise more
than 80% of the country' electricity energy mix.27
The country has already reached its initial goal set
out in the 2020 draft, with numerous additional green
* More than €3 B to develop the Andalusian H2
to provide green H2 for low-carbon fuels production
(e.g., Cepsa's advanced aviation biofuels program)
and for use in shipping and long-haul transport.
* The development of various H2
(e.g., the €3-B Basque H2 Corridor, H2 Valley of
Catalonia, H2 Valley of Murcia).
* bp's €2-B green H2
initiative to replace natural
gas used at its Castellón refinery with green H2
(i.e., the HyVal project).
* New pilot projects to increase green H2
use in
steelmaking, as well as capital-intensive projects
to convert green H2
into green ammonia for domestic
use and export (e.g., Iberdrola's $800-MM green
ammonia complex project, Cepsa and Yara Clean
Ammonia's Algeciras and Rotterdam green ammonia
maritime highway project).
* The > €3.4-B, 2-GW Spanish Hydrogen Network
(SHYNE), which is a 33-company consortium
dedicated to building a H2
ecosystem in Spain.
* Numerous additional green H2/ammonia and
e-methanol production plants, such as Naturgy
and Enagas' $520-MM green H2
plant in La Robla,
CETAER's 37,000-tpy e-methanol plant in Almeria,
Valle H2V Navarra's green H2
plant in Rocaforte,
Raven SR's waste-to-H2 plant in Aragon, Hive
Energy's 1,200-tpd green H2/ammonia production
plant and C2X's 1-MMtpy green methanol plant at the
Port of Huelva, among several others.
UK. In December 2022, the UK's Department for Business,
Energy and Industrial Strategy announced an updated
calls for H2
being from electrolytic generation (i.e., green H2
bling the previous H2
The UK government also plans to help fund H2
strategy for the nation. The country's new roadmap
production of up to 10 GW by 2030 [with half
)], doustrategy
announced in mid-2021.28
production facility projects under development. These
additional projects will help Spain in reaching its ambitious
2030 targets:
through various subsidy programs, such as the Hydrogen
Production Business Model and the Net-Zero Hydrogen
Fund. These programs have been partly responsible for the
significant increase in the country's active H2
UK's updated H2
its H2 projects pipeline through 2037.
valleys and corridors
strategy details approximately 20 GW in
https://globalenergyinfrastructure.com/ http://www.H2-Tech.com

H2Tech Market Data 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2024

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H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 2
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