H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 17

According to the GEI database, the UK is the market
leader in active H2
22% market share. These projects vary across the H2
chain, including H2 production capacity, pipelines, infrastructure,
fueling, and industrial and residential sectors.
Several of the more notable projects are listed below:
* Zero Carbon Humber: Part of the UK East
Cluster, this capital-intensive project's focus is
to decarbonize the Humber region, which is the
most carbon-intensive industrial region in the UK.
The initiative consists of several different projects,
including the H2H Saltend and H2NorthEast projects,
decarbonizing the UK steel industry, and utilizing
for power generation and green H2/ammonia for
export, among other projects (FIG. 13).
* Net-Zero Teesside: Also part of the UK East Cluster
and carbon capture cluster, the initiative is a
collection of different projects to decarbonize
the Teesside region through H2
H2Teesside and Hygreen Teesside projects,
NZT Power's use of H2
production and
carbon capture projects. These projects include
bp's plan to produce more than 1 GW of H2
for electricity generation, and other various
via the
to provide low-carbon H2
projects to decarbonize industrial operations.
* HyNet Northwest: This initiative is a collection
of H2
FIG. 13. Site map of Zero Carbon Humber. Source: Zero Carbon Humber.
production, transportation and storage to
decarbonize the northern and northwest region of
Wales. The low-carbon H2
will enable customers
to switch from fossil fuel-fired power generation
to lower carbon forms of energy (e.g., H2
). These
projects will be complemented by carbon capture
solutions to help further reduce carbon emissions.
Several other H2
heating) in places such as Fife; new green H2
projects will be used to decarbonize
different sectors of the UK's economy. These include utilizing
low-carbon/green H2
to power homes (cooking and
fueling centers
for buses, long-haul and passenger vehicles; replacing
natural gas with green or blue H2
new/converted infrastructure for H2
several pipeline projects to provide H2
regions of the UK.
in industrial operations;
/ammonia exports; and
to various demand
Other Western Europe. In Q1 2022, Denmark pledged
to install upwards of 6 GW of electrolyzer capacity to help
the nation wean off fossil fuels. The additional green H2
will be used in several industries, including in power-to-x
plants (e.g., the €1.4-B HØST PtX Esbjerg plant), green
fuels production (e.g., the IPECI Green Fuels for Denmark
initiative), green ammonia production (e.g., the P2XFloater
project that will use seawater and nitrogen to produce
green ammonia offshore Greenland) and for power/fuels in
the marine industry and mobility sector.
Belgium has announced plans to become a European
H2 import hub. The country's goal is to import several hundred
tons per year of green H2
that will be used to decarbonize
sectors of Belgium's economy, with the surplus
exported to neighboring countries, primarily Germany. The
country also plans to increase green and blue H2
capacity (e.g., Equinor and Engie's 1-GW H2BE blue H2
project in Ghent), even testing the feasibility of producing
green H2
domestic green H2
production in the North Sea [i.e., the Hydrogen
Offshore Production for Europe (HOPE) project).
Finland has ambitious plans to significantly scale up
production capacity. Finland's goal is
demand in the EU, as well
in the nation's transport secprojects
in Western Europe, holding a
to supply up to 10% of green H2
as grow the use of green H2
tor, reaching 3% market share by 2030. In 2022, Finland's
Finance Minister announced plans to develop three H2
valleys within the country. For example, the BalticSeaH2
valley project plans to create an integrated H2
value chain
between Finland and Estonia, and a consortium led by
Neste is conducting preliminary studies to develop a H2
https://globalenergyinfrastructure.com/ http://www.H2-Tech.com

H2Tech Market Data 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2024

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H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 2
H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 3
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