H2Tech Market Data 2024 - 18

valley value chain in Finland's Uusimaa region. These
valleys would complement other H2
the country, such as the planned Nordic H2
and 10%-15% H2
network projects in
Route, which
is a 1,000-km transmission network between Finland and
Sweden, and Koppo Energia's 200-MW power-to-x project
in Kristinestad.
In 2019, Italy adopted the Energy and Climate National
Integrated Plan (Piano Nazionale Integrato Energia e Clima
or PNIEC) that targeted reducing the country's emissions
by 55%-compared to 1990 base levels-by 2040. To help
adhere these emissions targets, the Italian government
plans to incorporate green H2
mobility sectors within the country. Italy's H2
includes the development of two major H2
regions of Rome and Puglia-a third H2
into various industrial and
valleys in the
valley has been
proposed in Sicily (Hybla project) by Sasol and Sonatrach,
which would produce low-carbon H2
valleys will include H2
and syngas. These
production plants (e.g., the Brindisi,
Cerignola and Taranto plants in the Puglia region, and a
plant near Rome). In addition, Italian companies
are investing in building H2 fueling stations throughout
the country and using green H2
operations-e.g., Eni will use green H2
to power industrial
to help decarbonize
operations at its Gela biorefinery and Taranto refinery.
Norway is also developing domestic H2
These projects include the production
and blue H2
of both green
and green ammonia (e.g., FFI's Holmaneset
project, the Barents Blue ammonia project, Aker Horizon's
1,000-tpy-1,500-tpy green ammonia plant in Narvik,
BV's NH3 FPSO project that will produce green
ammonia on a converted crude oil tanker), and the development
of new H2
hubs. The various H2
hubs-in places
such as Agdar, Kristiansand and Sauda-will help provide
clean fuels to decarbonize Norway's maritime sector.
Published in 2020, Portugal's National Strategy for
Hydrogen outlined the objectives to increase the production
and use of green H2
in the country's energy mix.
According to the report, Portugal aims to increase H2
consumption in both the domestic industrial and transportation
sectors to 5% by 2030. This initiative includes
the establishment of 2 GW-2.5 GW of H2
capacity, the construction of 50-100 H2
fueling stations
projects are estimated to cost approximately €7 B.29
injected into the national gas grid. These
mid-2023, Portugal's Energy Secretary announced that
the nation has firm investment commitments in place that
could double or even triple the country's initial forecast for
installed electrolyzer capacity.30
Sweden is investing in scaling up green H2
ture, as well. The country plans to produce green H2
for steel and SAF (e.g., H2
several industries, including using green
Green Steel, SkyFuel H2
SoutH2port) production, to produce e-methanol to decarbonize
the country's shipping sector (e.g., FlagshipONE),
and for export to neighboring countries such as Germany
and the Netherlands (e.g., the Northern Green Crane project),
among others.
Verbund, is spearheading the multi-billion-dollar Green
Hydrogen @ Blue Danube project. The goal of the project
is to create a trans-European green H2
supply chain that
would connect the Danube river with the Rhine river and
the Black Sea, integrating various pipeline networks and
maritime ports. The inland waterways will provide pathways
to ship green H2
across Europe-most green H2
be produced in southeast Europe, primarily in Romania,
and then exported to demand centers in countries such as
Austria and Germany. The project will provide additional
green H2
supplies to Austria to help with the nation's
decarbonization plans. Industry and power providers plan
to utilize the zero-carbon H2
operations-e.g., Borealis plans to use green H2
will also be used to help
to mitigate emissions in daily
to produce
fertilizers, melamine and other products at its chemical
operations in Linz. Green H2
decarbonize the country's power and heat production.
RAG Austria will use green H2
to power its cogeneration
plant in Gampern. Once operational in Q2 2024, the project
will produce green power and heat.
The most capital-intensive project in Greece is the
> €8-B White Dragon initiative. This project's-being
spearheaded by the country's public gas corporation
DEPA-primary goal is to replace the use of lignite (coal)
with green H2
scale project includes the construction of green H2
in power generation by 2028. The megaproduction
facilities (e.g., Hellenic Hydrogen's €130-MM H2
plant, Advent's Green HiPo project), pipelines and other
infrastructure to transport and store green H2
and/or transportation use.
for industrial
Although representing only 5% of active H2
market share globally, the Eastern European, Russia and
CIS regions are investing in increasing the use of low- and
zero-carbon H2
. For example, the four Visegrád countries
(Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) have
announced both domestic and cross-border H2
largest producer of renewable energy,
initiatives. Published in December 2021, the goals of these
four countries were laid out in the Cooperation Opportunities
in Hydrogen Project Support and Development in V4
Countries working paper. According to the document, the
V4 countries' goals are to significantly increase the production
of both low-carbon and green H2
use of H2
, the increased
blending of H2
the use of H2
ation, the development of H2
integrated H2
value chains.
For example, the V4 countries are developing the >
€5.8-B Black Horse project, which envisions a robust integrated
green H2
supply chain in the region. This includes a
green H2 production capacity of 320 tpd from 40 different
-fueled trucks and a
electrolyzers, more than 10,000 H2
green H2 fueling network, among other H2
To complement the Black Horse project, Polish refiner, PKN
Orlen, has announced plans to invest nearly $2 B to develop
10 H2
These H2
H2 fueling stations, low-carbon and green H2
plants, and H2 fueling for buses and trains.
hubs in the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia.
hubs will be accompanied by more than 100
Estonia plans to be the first nation to develop a complete,
country-wide H2
valley. The more than €1.4-B Estonian
H2 Valley initiative includes the construction of green
H2 production facilities, infrastructure to move green H2
in vehicles (e.g., buses) and marine vessels, the
into the region's natural gas infrastructure,
for industrial and residential power generstorage
caverns, and other

H2Tech Market Data 2024

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of H2Tech Market Data 2024

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