Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 23
application of SAPL as a fully structural
renewal process has been tested for
culverts and drainage structures by the
Center for Underground Infrastructure
Research and Education (CUIRE) at
the University of Texas-Arlington, but
it is still underway for pressure pipeline
This article focuses on the testing requirement
for applying polymeric SAPL
in gravity and pressure pipes.
Currently, manufacturers and contractors
are implementing design methodologies
for SAPL applications from
other available methods, such as ASTM
F1216- Standard Practice for rehabilitation
of existing pipelines and conduits by
the inversion and curing of a resin-impregnated
tube, and ASTM F1743 Standard
Practice for rehabilitation of existing pipelines
and conduits by pulled-in-place installation
of cured-in-place thermosetting
resin pipe (CIPP).
The lack of comprehensive standards,
design guidelines, testing and evaluation
of SAPL is limiting its acceptance and
use by DOTs and private entities to renew
old pipes. Thus, sufficient information
is not available to confirm SAPL as a
structural and durable renewal technology
to enhance the expected lifespan of
gravity and pressure pipeline.
Because of the need for sufficient information
on this technology, CUIRE,
in collaboration with various industries,
is testing and evaluating the structural
properties of polymeric SAPL for gravity
and pressure pipes. Researchers are continuously
developing testing programs
to review and certify the use of SAPL
material in pressure pipes based on different
AWWA structural lining classifications
described later in this article.
To achieve this objective, the article
will suggest some testing and methodologies
for the classification and certification
requirements for polymeric SAPL
for gravity and pressure pipes.
Structural lining classification
As per AWWA Structural Classification
of Lining Systems (2019), the SAPL
lining system is divided into Class I, II,
III and IV. TABLE 2 shows a general and
broad spectrum for the host pipe conClass
TABLE 2 - Structural Classification and Rehabilitation Purposes
Class I
Pipe condition
Structurally good
with minimum
corrosion or
new pipe
Class II
Deterioration due to
corrosion holes,
cracks or pits
Structural or
Interactive to
Host Pipe
Satisfactorily bonded to
host pipe, and transfers
load to the host pipe
Completely bonded and
interactive to the host pipe
with minimum essential
ring stiffness to intact the
liner in place during
vacuum loading
Deterioration more
than as mentioned
in class II, with major
leaks, joints failures
May or may not be
completely bonded.
Interactive to the host
pipe with sufficient ring
stiffness to prevent
collapse due to negative
Class IV
Fully deteriorated
with minimal or zero
structural support
by the host pipe
Fully structural
Non-bonded to the host
pipe. Lining is completely
independent within a host
pipe, assuming no load is
transferred to host pipe.
TABLE 3 - Material Properties Testing
Short-Term Material Properties
Flexural Strength (ASTM D790)
Tensile Strength (ASTM D638)
Punch Shear (ASTM D732)
Fatigue (ASTM D7791)
Hardness (ASTM D2240)
Thermal Expansion (ASTM E831)
Abrasion Resistance (ASTM D4060)
Adhesion (Metal-ASTM D4541 and
Concrete-ASTM 7234)
Water Absorption (ASTM D570)
Glass Transition (ASTM D7426)
Fracture/Crack Growth (ASTM F1473)
Long-Term Material Properties
Tensile and Flexural Creep
(ASTM D2990)
Determine the flexural strength of material to resist the impact due to
bending, ground movement, and any temperature changes.
Evaluate the tensile properties to resist the material stretch due to
excessive or continuous loading.
Determine the shear resistance to resist the shear impact due to handling
and sudden load for shallow depth culverts/pipes, and impact of any
rock (if present) in the embedment.
Provide a guide for material selection for service under condition of
repeated flexural stress.
Determine material hardness, which is inversely related to the amount
of penetration and is dependent on the elastic modulus and viscoelastic
behavior of the material.
Determine coefficient of linear thermal expansion by thermal stress
during temperature variations.
Determine abrasion damage during service life. This test evaluates the
abrasion resistance of coatings.
Evaluate the degree of bonding and determine the greatest tensile force
that a surface area can bear before bonded liner material is detached
from the host pipe.
Determine the proportion of water absorbed by liner material due to
its porosity.
Determine changes in specific heat capacity in linear material.
Determine the slow crack growth resistance of the liner material.
Predict strength of material and dimensional changes under long-term
loads. Material's long-term performance extrapolated for 50 years.
UndergroundInfrastructure.com | AUGUST 2023 23
Corrosion protection,
flow and water quality
Corrosion holes or pits
or minor pipe gaps at
the joints
Corrosion holes, cracks
or joint gaps or major
leaks. Protection against
external buckling effect
due to ground water
table seeping through
holes or cracks.
External buckling and
longitudinal bending
failures. Burst failure
assuming that host pipe
is completely gone.
Long-term creep failure.
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Underground Infrastructure - August 2023
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 1
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 2
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 3
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 4
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 5
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 6
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 7
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 8
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 9
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 10
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 11
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 12
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 13
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 14
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 15
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 16
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 17
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 18
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 19
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 20
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 21
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 22
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 23
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 24
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 25
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 26
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 27
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 28
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 29
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 30
Underground Infrastructure - August 2023 - 31
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