Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 42

employees' benefit, and to help ensure industry
employees stay safe while building our nation's
vital core infrastructure projects.
It's a very complimentary partnership. NUCA
has a wealth of safety programs directed
towards its members and the industry.
These include teaming with the USDOL
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) for the annual Trench Safety Stand Down
(TSSD) week (this year, June 19-23). NUCA's
Safety, Training, Awareness and Recognition
(STAR) Program provides a venue for every
company in the utility construction industry to
measure the effectiveness of its safety programs
and recognize how to improve them.
The award-winning Competent Person and
Photo courtesy of Bowman
Bowman will provide a variety of engineering
services for gas main design and installation,
third-party utility plotting, field verification,
line-of-lay walks, structural analysis, bridge
support, survey, permitting and construction.
The three neighborhood projects awarded to
Bowman under the SMP include more than
100 miles of new mainline installation and
nearly 70 miles of existing pipeline retirement.
Prior to this award, Bowman has worked
with PGL on more than 100 miles of new
gas line installations.
" During the course of our long-standing
relationship with Peoples Gas we have consistently
delivered high-quality, cost-effective, and
on-time solutions, which is a primary reason
they continue to engage us as new challenges
emerge, " said Gary Bowman, chairman and CEO.
Through a new partnership, the National Utility
Contractors Association (NUCA) and Trenching
Excavation Safety Task (TEST) force are working
together to build safe excavations.
NUCA's safety programs and TEST's affirmed
goals are the same: to keep our industry's men
and women safe when they are working in and
around excavations.
The goal of this partnership is to promote
awareness of trench safety, the many training
programs offered to industry members for their
42 JUNE 2023 | UndergroundInfrastructure.com
Confined Space Training courses, trained safety
instructors, safety publications such as " NUCA
Safety News, " industry toolbox talks, a dedicated
safety staff, and online webinars provide a
wealth of safety resources to members.
Trenching Excavation Safety Task (TEST)
force was started online in 2019 by industry
safety professionals to bring more awareness
to trenching and excavation safety and prevent
injuries and fatalities, collaborating without
organizational or geographic boundaries to
improve day-to-day safety for field workers.
Based in Denver, Colo., TEST has a website,
with links to government and private industry
trench and excavation resources, and LinkedIn
profile with more than 8,500 followers.
" Our partnership with TEST will allow
a broader reach of NUCA's own safety
platforms and combine it with TEST's own
industry safety expertise and communication
programs, " said Mike Flowers, NUCA's director
of safety, training, and education.
" We're glad to be working together
to keep our industry's employees safe and
get them home to their families at the end
of a long workday. "
Plastics Pipe Institute Inc. (PPI) published an
updated AWWA C904-22, the controlling
industry standard specification for proper
installation of underground PEX potable water
service lines, that is important and helpful
especially with the growing need for replacing
lead, as well as other metallic pipes.
Named Crosslinked Polyethylene (PEX)
Pressure Tube, 1/2 Inch Through 3 Inch for
Water Service, it is the ANSI-approved standard
for PEX tubing intended to deliver potable
water into homes and buildings.
" The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law contains
$15 billion for lead service line replacement
(LSLR), and PEX is the ideal piping material for
that work, " stated Lance MacNevin, P. Eng.,
director of engineering for PPI's Building &
Construction Division.
" This AWWA standard, originally published
in 2006, is for PEX tubing used primarily in
potable water service line in the construction
of underground water systems and applies
to reclaimed water and wastewater. "
Used for water service lines in North
America for more than 25 years, PEX tubing
provides safe delivery of potable water and
protects the health of building occupants.
" PEX is a strong, tough, reliable material
with exceptional resistance to chlorine and
chloramines, " MacNevin continued.
Updates to the standard include rearranged
content for clarity; the addition of four
types of approved PEX fitting systems; new
definitions for design factor, potable water,
reclaimed water, and wastewater; clarification
of the requirements for a manufacturer's
quality-control program; plus Appendix A
on " Design and Installation of PEX " has been
updated and is intended to give guidance
to both designers and installers.
PPI's Municipal Advisory Board
celebrates 15 years
Established in 2008, MAB serves as an
independent, non-commercial adviser to the
Municipal & Industrial Division of PPI, which is
dedicated to improving the design, installation,
and operation of municipal high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) water piping systems.
During its 15 years, MAB has grown to
include volunteers and contributors from
across the U.S., Canada and Europe, with
representation from municipalities, college
professors, contractors and engineering firms.
" The 15th year is known as the Crystal
Anniversary, symbolizing clarity and durability, "
said Camille George Rubeiz, P.E., F. ASCE,
MAB creator and current co-chair, and senior
director of engineering for PPI's Municipal and
Industrial Division. " MAB is now widely known
http://www.nuca.com http://www.plasticpipe.org http://www.UndergroundInfrastructure.com

Underground Infrastructure - June 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Underground Infrastructure - June 2023

Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 1
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 2
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 3
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 4
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 5
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 6
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 7
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 8
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 9
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 10
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 11
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 12
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 13
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 14
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 15
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 16
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 17
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 18
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 19
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 20
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 21
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 22
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 23
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 24
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 25
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 26
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 27
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 28
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 29
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 30
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 31
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 32
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 33
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 34
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 35
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 36
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 37
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 38
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 39
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 40
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 41
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 42
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 43
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 44
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 45
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 46
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 47
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 48
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 49
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 50
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 51
Underground Infrastructure - June 2023 - 52