Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 27

2023 Large Horizontal Directional Drilling Rigs Census
41 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 72 in.
Maximum Pullback: 1,800,000 lbs.
Recognized as the industry leader
throughout North America and
worldwide, in both land and marine,
completing milestone projects with
inventive HDD solutions.
Paladian Crossings Inc.
P.O. Box 187
Lethbridge Alberta T1J 3Y5
p: (403) 894-0804
w: paladiancrossings.ca
e: jarrod@paladiancrossings.ca
contact: Jarrod MacKenzie
Miller Excavation Inc.
9000 Choctaw Street
Union City, OK 73090
p: (405) 483-5158
w: millerexcavationinc.com
e: millerexcavation@gmail.com
contact: Dale Miller
7 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 60 in.
Maximum Pullback: 490,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 80,000 ft.-lbs.
We specialize in HDD installation of
oil, natural gas and municipal water
pipeline services, replacements,
and improvements.
New Tech Construction Inc.
6124 Steinhart Park Rd.
Nebraska City, NE 68410
p: (402) 873-4220
w: newtechconstruction.com
e: brandon.olson@
contact: Brandon Olson
5 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 42 in.
Maximum Pullback: 344,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 50,000 ft.-lbs.
New Tech specializes in soil, rock,
cobbles, and boulders conditions, with
the capability to install surface casing up
to 60 " for IFR mitigation.
OCU Group Limited
Artemis House, Greek Street
Stockport. SK3 8AB. United Kingdom
p: +44 (0) 161-248 9922
website: ocugroup.com
email: enquiries@ocugroup.com
contact: Ross Henderson
6 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 56 in.
Maximum Pullback: 880,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 112,000 ft.-lbs.
O'Connor Utilities installs HDD
crossings, including hard rock, outfalls,
landfalls; environmental wells; design
and consultancy work; also has fleet
of four midi and mini rigs.
2 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 36 in.
Maximum Pullback: 240,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 43,900 ft.-lbs.
Provide HDD services throughout
Western Canada, supporting the oil
& gas, municipal, civil, and
telecommunications industries.
PreTec Directional Drilling LLC
3314 56th Street
Eau Claire, WI 54703
p: (715) 874-4510
w: pretechdd.com
e: bcolson@pretecdd.com
contact: Bill Colson
14 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs.
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 60 in.
Maximum Pullback: 1,100,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 100,000 ft.-lbs.
Installation of gas, oil, HDPE, fiber, water
and sewer via HDD, along with guided
bore. Offer consultation, design and
build. Capable of any size project.
Sabine Constructors LLC
721 Dial Road
Big Sandy, TX 72755
p: (903) 352-1201
e: jbender@sabinecon.com
contact: Jake Bender
2 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 30 in.
Maximum Pullback: 250,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 40,000 ft.-lbs.
Southeast Directional Drilling LLC
3117 North Cessna Ave.
Casa Grande, AZ 85122
p: (520) 423-2131
w: southeastdrilling.com
11 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 60 in.
Maximum Pullback: 1,400,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 140,000 ft./lbs.
Capable of drilling lengths of more than
6,400 feet and pipe sizes up to 60-inch
diameter. We are the world record holder
for 56-inch HDD.
Tex-Direct Drilling LLC
22095 FM 1314
Porter, TX 77365
p: (281) 354-7011
w: tex-direct.com
e: wayne@tex-direct.com
contact: Wayne Robin
2 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 42 in.
Maximum Pullback: 750,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 90,000 ft.-lbs.
State-of-the-art equipment and over
25 years in the industry. Carefully planned
and safely executed HDD solutions, and
specializing in complex, multi-rig projects.
The Crossing Company Inc.
1807 8th St.
Nisku, Alberta, Canada T9E 7S8
p: (780) 955-5051
w: thecrossingcompany.com
e: rbowhay@thecrossingcompany.com
contact: Ryan Bowhay
22 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs.
Spartan Directional LLC
222 Beau Pre Road
Lafayette, LA 70508
p: (337) 837-4433
w: spartandirectional.com
e: boyd@spartandirectional.com
contact: Boyd Simon
Push Incorporated
1100 Lindy St./P.O. Box 72
Rice Lake, WI 54868
p: (715) 236-7874
w: push.us
e: chase@push.us
contact: Chase Lapcinski
1 Rig with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 32 in.
Maximum Pullback: 100,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 12,000 ft.-lbs.
Highly experienced to complete all your
HDD needs, including design/engineering,
surveying, solid rock drills, intersects,
recovery/rescue and more. Also have
15 drills under 100,000-pounds pullback.
REM Directional Inc.
13286 County Road 20
Boligee, AL 35443
p: (205) 393-2171
w: remdirectional.com
e: joel@remdirectional.com
contact: Joel Colgrove, Jr.
12 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 64 in.
Maximum Pullback: 1,200,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 102,000 ft.-lbs.
REM Directional has been in the
trenchless business for 25 years.
UndergroundInfrastructure.com | NOVEMBER 2023 27
Spring & Associates Inc.
29565 Chilcutt Rd.
Easton, MD 21601
p: (410) 822-0485
w: springandassociates.com
e: dtaylor@springgroup.net
contact: Robert Taylor
3 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 48 in.
Maximum Pullback: 500,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 85,000 ft.-lbs.
Microtunneling up to 84 inches, HDD
bores of 1-48 inches, on-grade sewer
with pilot tube system, and steel jack
and bore up to 84 inches.
6 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 54 in.
Maximum Pullback: 1,000,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 90,000 ft.-lbs.
Maxi rig HDD projects, Spartan Directional
is the best choice for maxi-rig HDD
projects " Because Experience Matters; "
most-experienced superintendents and
personnel in the industry.
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 60 in.
Maximum Pullback: 1,200,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 100,000 ft.-lbs.
Focused on trenchless construction
throughout North America. Services
include large and small HDD, auger
boring, pipe ramming, microtunneling
and tunneling.
The HDD Company
4580 Greenstone Rd.
Placerville, CA 957667
p: (530) 676-5705
w: thecrossingcompany.com
e: jking@crossinggroup.com
contact: Jeremy King
20 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs.
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 48 in.
Maximum Pullback: 1,200,000 lbs.
Maximum Torque: 90,000 ft.-lbs.
Excelling at shore approaches, harbor/
marine work, major utility installations,
and oil and gas projects has made us a
trusted name in trenchless construction.
Visser & Smit Hanab bv
Rietgorsweg 6
3356 LJ Papendrecht NL
p: +31 78 6417222
w: vshanab.nl
e: info@vshanab.nl
contact: S. Korevaar
6 Rigs with Minimum 100,000 lbs. Pullback
Maximum Pipe Diameter: 56 in.
Maximum Pullback: 900,000 lbs.
More than 100 years of experience and
a proven record of service, specializing
in aboveground and underground
pipelines and cable infrastructure.
http://www.paladiancrossings.ca http://www.tex-direct.com http://www.southeastdrilling.com http://www.millerexcavationinc.com http://www.pretechdd.com http://www.thecrossingcompany.com http://www.spartandirectional.com http://www.newtechconstruction.com http://www.thecrossingcompany.com http://www.push.us http://www.ocugroup.com http://www.springandassociates.com http://www.vshanab.nl http://www.remdirectional.com http://www.UndergroundInfrastructure.com

Underground Infrastructure - November 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Underground Infrastructure - November 2023

Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 1
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 2
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 3
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 4
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 5
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 6
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 7
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 8
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 9
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 10
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 11
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 12
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 13
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 14
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 15
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 16
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 17
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 18
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 19
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 20
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 21
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 22
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 23
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 24
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 25
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 26
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 27
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 28
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 29
Underground Infrastructure - November 2023 - 30
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