ndards 3/1/18 Red Font: Crillee Italic BT PMS 200 CMYK: 3 100 63 12 RGB: 187 0 0 HEX: #bb0000 Blue PMS 292 CMYK: 59 11 0 0 RGB: 105 179 231 HEX: # 69B3E7 Gradiant PMS 295 - File Usage: Print: .ai, .eps, .pdf Print/Screen: .png Screen: .jpg PMS 292 WAR ON CORROSION CMYK: 100 69 8 54 CMYK: 59 11 0 0 RGB: 0 40 85 HEX: # 002855 RGB: 105 179 231 HEX: 69B3E7 Infiltration, corrosion, and deterioration are major challenges for your business and community. OBIC provides long-lasting, cost-effective barriers of protection for everything from OBIC logo standards 3/1/18 decaying storm and sewer structures to deteriorating culverts and everything in between. From minor issues to major challenges, our products are versatile enough to extend the life of structures and protect from future corrosion issues. Red PMS 200 CMYK: 3 100 63 12 RGB: 187 0 0 HEX: #bb0000 Blue To learn more about PMS 292 CMYK: 59 11 0 0 RGB: 105 179 231 HEX: # 69B3E7 Gradiant PMS 295 - PMS 292 CMYK: 100 69 8 54 CMYK: 59 11 0 0 RGB: 0 40 85 HEX: # 002855 RGB: 105 179 231 HEX: 69B3E7 visit www.obicproducts.com Font: Crillee Italic BT File Usage: Print: .ai, .eps, .pdf Print/Screen: .png Screen: .jpg CONTACT US: 866-636-4854 info@obicproducts.com is Weapons-Grade Against thehttp://www.obicproducts.com