Grand Valley Magazine Summer 2015 - (Page 30)
John Berry
Design Thinking Initiative director
by Matthew Makowski | photo by Amanda Pitts
There's a relatively new buzzword
appearing in the worlds of business,
nonprofit, design and academia known
as "design thinking."
Academic institutions are
striving to incorporate design
thinking into their curriculums
to provide students with
experience in interdisciplinary
problem solving, while
businesses and nonprofits
are seeking graduates with
skills that include working on
diverse teams to meet realworld needs.
With 40 years of
professional design
experience working with
global manufacturers,
international architectural and
design firms, art and design
colleges and professional
associations, John Berry
joined Grand Valley last year
as director of the Design
Thinking Initiative to bring the
concepts of design thinking to
students, faculty, staff and the
West Michigan community.
He was the founder and
executive director of Design
West Michigan, a design
advocacy group that brings
together diverse design
professionals to advance the
recognition of design as a
key component of economic
growth. Berry also developed
Summer '15
the bachelor of fine arts in
collaborative design program
at Kendall College of Art and
Design and spent 16 years as
vice president of Corporate
Communications at
Herman Miller.
GVM: How do you define
design thinking?
JB: There's confusion broadly
on what design thinking is
because the word "design"
gets in the way. People hear
the word "design" and they
assume automatically it's
about making or building
something. The application
of design thinking is really a
human-centered approach
to solving problems and
meeting needs using an
organized method of
defining, observing and
considering those impacted.
Design thinking is a process
and not a formula, and it's
messy. It is comprised of
five elements: empathizing,
defining, ideating,
prototyping and testing. It
starts with understanding
what the needs are of those
you are trying to help.
The key is empathy and
understanding from the very
beginning that you need to
listen to, get input from, and
be open to realizing what
you might think is an answer
isn't really the answer. From
there it goes into defining
the context within which
the problem fits and then
into wild brainstorming.
Ideation is gathering all of
these wonderful thoughts
that may be just the right
answer. Prototyping does not
mean necessarily building
something, but it might. It
also can be prototyping an
organizational structure,
a process or a storyboard.
From there quick ideation
occurs so everyone has a
shared understanding of
what the solution is and then
testing ultimately striving
toward implementation.
GVM: It sounds like the
concepts within design
thinking aren't new, but
the actual term "design
thinking" seems to have
only recently appeared.
Where did it originate?
JB: The term "design
thinking" didn't really come
about until the mid-2000s.
It was and continues to be
promoted by the design and
innovation consulting firm
IDEO, and then more of an
acceleration of that as the
IDEO founders got involved
with Stanford University.
Together they developed
a program called the
"d.School," which provides
the experience of the design
thinking process to graduate
level students. Businesses
are lining up to hire people
coming out of that program
because they realize that's
the kind of flexibility and
creative thinking they need.
Innovation, entrepreneurship
and collaboration have
become the modes that
organizations operate in.
GVM: Why is design thinking
being implemented at
Grand Valley and what is the
end game of the university's
Design Thinking Initiative?
JB: The end game is to
enhance the employability
of students by finding
ways to provide that
design thinking experience.
Additionally, faculty and
community partners can
benefit. One of the goals of
our Design Thinking Initiative
task force is to make sure
the experience is thorough
enough so that employers
see the value of our students'
design thinking experiences
Key Components of Design Thinking
Understanding the
real human needs.
Either a rough physical
approximation of an
idea or a quick
storyboard, diagram,
Using empathetic insights
chart, or other visual
to frame a problem,
representation of
putting the issue in a
an idea.
broader context.
Extending an idea into
Brainstorming while
an environment that
encouraging wild ideas
solicits feedback about
without fear of judgment.
the prototypes created.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Grand Valley Magazine Summer 2015
Campus News
Donor Impact
Fall Arts Celebration
Evolving as a professional
Finding fellowships
Mastering a subject
Focal Point
Q&A John Berry
Off the Path
Museum School
Grand Valley Magazine Summer 2015