Grand Valley Magazine Winter 2014 - (Page 14)

DON O R I M PAC T New faculty chair cements Johnson Center as national leader A substantial gift from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Kellogg Company 25-Year Employees' Fund has helped establish a unique endowed chair position at the Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy. The first-of-its-kind in the nation, the chair will focus on leading the country in developing research on community philanthropy. "The future of community philanthropy is an important field of study, and the Johnson Center is on the cutting-edge of this invigorating, exciting field," said George Grant Jr., dean of the College of Community and Public Service. The chair, established with Kelloggs' gift of $1.5 million, will be dedicated to the study of how nonprofits, for-profits, foundations, government, organizations and individuals take action to improve their communities. The Johnson Center, one of the nation's largest university-based philanthropic centers, has been investigating the possibility of a community philanthropy chair for years. The position was established in August. The gift from Kellogg does more than support the organization's goals. Grant said it serves as a vote of confidence in Grand Valley and in the Johnson Center's work. "There's a very good history and partnership between the Kellogg Foundation and the Johnson Center," Grant said. "Their gift shows the faith they have in Grand Valley and in the center." Solving community problems When the faculty chair is selected, that person will lead the Johnson Center's research of policies, trends and best practices in community philanthropy. The chair will also teach students about philanthropy, mentor graduate assistants, and give local and national presentations on community philanthropy. Pictured are community leaders at a presentation by Rapid Growth held at the Johnson Center. 14 Winter '14 Dorothy A. Johnson, namesake of the Johnson Center, said the center's work in community and family philanthropy is important to the future of this country. "The Johnson Center has become nationally recognized for its work in community and family philanthropy, which is so important to the future of this country," said Dorothy A. Johnson, namesake of the Johnson Center. "I am proud to be associated with such a fine faculty and such dedicated and passionate students who are going to make a tremendous difference in the world." A national search will be conducted for the Kellogg chair, and the Johnson Center expects to fill the position with someone who is a national thought leader on community philanthropy. The chair's work will meet pressing needs for knowledge and information that people and organizations need to succeed. "Once we understand the systems and problems of a community, we will be able to support them with what they are trying to do," Grant said. Addressing problems that people or communities face is an enormous task. Grant said the Johnson Center can start to provide solutions with this support from Kellogg. "This is who Kellogg is," Grant said. "They are all about children, families, communities and ways of impacting those children, families and communities."

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Grand Valley Magazine Winter 2014

Campus News
International Education
Donor Impact
Covenant House provides education, opportunity
Going the extra Medical Mile
Seeds of Promise
Student media: creating community, content and careers
Q&A Bill Holsinger-Robinson
Off the Path

Grand Valley Magazine Winter 2014