Grand Valley Magazine Summer 2014 - (Page 14)
Kaufman Interfaith Institute works
to broaden understanding
by Nate Hoekstra
Two years ago, Doug Kindschi, director
of the Sylvia and Richard Kaufman
Interfaith Institute at Grand Valley, was
busy supervising and planning a year that
would see more than 300 events take
place all with the central aim of exploring
commonalities and differences in the
religions of the world.
2012 was the institute's "Year of
Interfaith Understanding," the most
ambitious grouping of interfaith events
in the history of the organization. Grand
Valley created the institute in 2007
to honor Sylvia Kaufman and her 20plus years of dedication to promoting
understanding among faiths in West
Michigan. Since the conclusion of
the Year of Interfaith Understanding,
Kindschi has been working to establish
long-term goals for the institute and
establish programs that will help diversify
the community and make a positive
impact on the business community in
West Michigan.
Kindschi said understanding people
of different faiths is today's most critical
issue. With impacts ranging from success
in business to promoting peace on a
global scale, Kindschi said understanding
the deep faith traditions of different
groups is essential.
Summer '14
"When religion combines with
governments, armies and dictators,
and when it's misused it can and does
lead to real war," Kindschi said. "I'm
convinced that if we can get people of
different religions to understand each
other, they might not be misused by
despotic political leaders. If we don't,
there may not be another century to
have to worry about, that's how strongly
I feel about it."
Kindschi said the rapid-fire pace of
the Year of Interfaith Understanding was
fantastic, especially with community
involvement from faith organizations,
cultural organizations and student
groups, but holding that many events
for an extended period of time wasn't
sustainable. The year's events were
showcased on PBS's "Religion and
Ethics NewsWeekly" last year; the
program won a Gabriel Award.
"We are working now to move toward
institutionalizing activities," Kindschi
said. "We are working with faith groups,
student organizations, the Interfaith
Youth Corps, and businesses to give
them all a stake in continuing the
conversation on a regular basis."
Kindschi said all religions share
some basic tenets, but the interfaith
conversations they are encouraging
shouldn't gloss over the details of a
person's faith traditions. Kindschi calls it
thick dialogue instead of thin dialogue.
"Anyone can sit down and agree on a
few basic things between two religions,"
Kindschi said. "We encourage people
to bring the richness of their faith and
beliefs to the table. We're not just
looking for agreement, we're looking for
understanding. The goal is to learn, not
judge, not to convert or proselytize."
Kindschi also said business is a key
player in the institute's future goals. He
said a community that's understanding of
different religions is one that's welcoming
to people of different cultures and from
different countries.
"We're working with business leaders
to bring interfaith understanding to
our community," Kindschi said. "One
thing that's important to the business
community is new business startups.
The business community knows the
growth of the economy will be enhanced
by immigrants, who statistically start
more businesses than native-born people.
In order to be an appealing location to
immigrants, we need to welcome various
religions. There's a variety of religious
perspectives, and it's important for
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Grand Valley Magazine Summer 2014
Table of Contents
Campus News
Fall Arts Celebration
Donor Impact
Q&A Karen Gipson
A seat at the table
Students dig program
Deployment to enrollment
Seeing double
Off the path
Alumni News
Grand Valley Magazine Summer 2014