Meet Opioid Abatement Requirements with Evidence-Based Solutions As national opioid remediation strategies begin, it's crucial that we take an all-hands-in approach. With Exhibit E outlining specific core abatement strategies and approved uses, it's our goal to help you fulfill your patients' or clients' needs with evidence-based, manualized solutions in the full curriculum of care-prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery-to help them find hope and healing. Expert COR Training Our in-depth Comprehensive Opioid Response (CORĀ® ) model of training focuses on the importance of person-centered, trauma-informed language and stigma-reducing strategies to keep people engaged during all phases of the treatment process. Attendees gain expert knowledge on current medications for opioid use disorder best practices, harm reduction and the lifesaving intervention of Naloxone. We're ready to listen, learn and partner with you. EMAIL US 2