Your Catalog Key For easy reference, we've created icons to help you quickly identify key features of our programs and products. EVIDENCE BASED Refers to programs and products that are considered effective based on peer review and are studied in clinically controlled settings to determine their efficacy. RESEARCH INFORMED Refers to programs and products that have not been studied in a controlled setting but draw from evidence-based approaches, strategies and research. BLUEPRINTS CERTIFIED Refers to programs certified by Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development as meeting rigorous scientific standards for intervention specificity, evaluation quality, intervention impact and dissemination readiness. TRAINING ES Indicates tailored, interactive training by our clinicians, educators and practitioners to help your organization implement programs with confidence and fidelity. AVAILABLE IN SPANISH Indicates programs, curricula and other resources available in Spanish. DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS Indicates instant access via our virtual platform to complete curricula, articles, videos and pamphlets. 6