New York Patient Handbook - 47

What Is fetal alcohol syndrome?
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a group of problems in
children born to people who drank alcohol during
the pregnancy. These babies are usually small and
underweight. They often have birth defects and, as they
grow older, they may have behavior problems. The most
serious problem is intellectual disability.
How common is fetal alcohol
In the United States, about 1,200 children are born each
year with fetal alcohol syndrome. It is the leading cause
of intellectual disability in this country.
How much alcohol can I drink and
not hurt my baby?
Even small amounts of alcohol can be harmful. Because
no amount of alcohol can be considered safe, it is
recommended that pregnant people avoid all alcohol
during the entire pregnancy. Drinks with alcohol in
them include beer, wine, hard liquor, and wine coolers.
Can my baby get fetal alcohol
syndrome even if I don't drink
alcohol every day?
Yes. In fact, most people don't drink alcohol every day.
Instead, they drink only on special occasions, such as
weekends, holidays, or parties. When they do drink,
some people have five or more drinks at a time. This is
called " binge drinking. " This pattern of drinking is very
dangerous for your baby, because it quickly makes the
level of alcohol in your blood very high. So, even if you
don't drink every day, you may put your baby at risk for
fetal alcohol syndrome.
I know drinking is bad for my baby,
but I can't stop. What should I do?
The best thing you can do is quit drinking when you
are still thinking about getting pregnant. If you are
pregnant, quit drinking alcohol and try other beverages,
such as water or fruit juices. It is a good idea to stop
smoking too. Be honest with your doctor. Tell them how
much you are smoking and drinking. Your doctor may
be able to help you stop smoking and drinking before it
hurts your baby.
Is there a cure for fetal alcohol
No, there is no cure. Children with fetal alcohol
syndrome can be helped, though. The treatment
involves giving them good medical and dental care
and eyeglasses and hearing aids if these are needed
and placing them in special school programs. The best
way to treat fetal alcohol syndrome is to keep it from
happening. You can do this by not drinking alcohol
during your pregnancy.
* No amount of alcohol is safe in pregnancy.
* Quit drinking as soon as you think you are pregnant.
* If you can't quit drinking, get help quickly.
This information provides a general overview on
alcohol use during pregnancy and may not apply to
everyone. Talk to your family doctor to find out if this
information applies to you and to get more information
on this subject.
Source: American Academy of Family Physicians. Permission is granted to reproduce this
material for nonprofit educational purposes. Written permission is required for other use.
Hepatitis B & C (HBV & HCV)
What is hepatitis? What are
hepatitis B & C?
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by a
virus, drugs, or other factors. So far, there are six known
kinds of viral hepatitis: A, B, C, D, E, and G. They differ
in how they are transmitted as well as how long and
how severely they can affect you. For example, hepatitis
A and E, milder forms, are spread through contaminated
foods or water, while hepatitis B, C, and D, more serious
forms, are spread through contact with human blood or
by sexual activity (primarily B). Hepatitis B and C have
the greatest potential to damage your liver in the long
term. There is a vaccine for the prevention of hepatitis B
but not for hepatitis C.
How do I know if I have hepatitis
B or C?
Many people don't notice anything wrong with them-
they look and feel healthy. In fact, you can have
hepatitis B or C for many years before you even know
you have the virus. But by then, your liver may already
be damaged. Sometimes, people feel like they have a

New York Patient Handbook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of New York Patient Handbook

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