New York Patient Handbook - 48

mild-to-moderate " flu " tired, feverish, weak, achy, sick
to their stomach, and not hungry. Also, some people
might have jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes).
Your doctor may order blood tests to see if you have a
mild or severe form of hepatitis. The tests see how well
your liver is functioning and may test for the virus itself
or for antibodies (proteins your body makes to fight
the virus) that have built up in the blood. These tests
should be repeated periodically. Appropriate referrals
for further testing and/or medical care can be provided
by our clinical staff.
How do you " catch " hepatitis?
Both Hepatitis B and C are spread through contact with
human blood, and perhaps through contact with other
body fluids. Close to 40% of people with hepatitis B or C
never learn how they were infected. You are at high risk
for hepatitis B or C if you:
* had a blood transfusion before 1990
* have been a hemodialysis patient
* had a job that exposed you to human blood
* have been in contact with the blood of someone who
has hepatitis B or C
* have ever injected or snorted drugs using shared
* had sex with someone with hepatitis B (*The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] has
identified sexual contact as a potential risk factor for
transmission of hepatitis C. The risk does appear to
increase in people who have more than one sexual
* have tattoos or body piercing
What is the difference between
acute & chronic hepatitis B & C?
Both can be either acute (short term, less than 6
months) or chronic (long term, more than 6 months)
infections. Hepatitis B usually is not chronic. With an
acute infection, your body tries to fight the virus, and if
it succeeds in ridding the virus from your system, most
of the injured part of the liver returns to normal. But
with chronic hepatitis C, your body fails to fight off the
virus in a 6-month period. That is, the virus stays in
your system. It can either be inactive for a while or keep
damaging your liver as time goes on.
Why is liver damage dangerous?
You can't live without a liver. Your liver works in
many important ways: it keeps poisons (including
alcohol and drugs) from harming your body; it makes
necessary body chemicals (fats, proteins, cholesterol);
and it performs hundreds of other roles to keep you
healthy. A damaged liver can't handle all these tasks
very well, putting your life in serious danger. Hepatitis
C can lead to permanent liver damage that may require
a liver transplant. In fact, almost one third of all liver
transplants in the U.S. were needed because the people
had chronic hepatitis C.
Do I have to get treated?
If you think you might have hepatitis or that
you've been in contact with an infected person
or a contaminated object, see your doctor, a
gastroenterologist (a digestive system specialist), or
hepatologist (a liver specialist) right away. If you do
have chronic hepatitis B or C and do not get medical
treatment, you increase the risk of developing lifethreatening
liver damage (cirrhosis, liver cancer, or
liver failure). Chronic hepatitis is a disease that should
be taken seriously, which means always following the
exact treatment that your doctor prescribes.
How can I protect myself from
getting hepatitis B or C?
* Never share needles or personal items such as razors,
toothbrushes, nail files, and clippers anything that
can hold blood.
* If you must get a manicure or body piercing, be sure
sterile instruments are used.
* Avoid multiple sex partners; if you do have multiple
partners, use a latex condom.
* It's better not to get tattoos. The needle and possibly
the injected ink both transmit the disease.
* There is no need to worry about contact with articles
like hairbrushes, combs, or eating utensils.
Understanding Pain
What is the purpose of pain?
Pain is your body's alarm system. It tells you that
something is wrong. When part of your body is injured
or hurt, nerves in that area release chemical signals.
Other nerves send these signals to your brain, where

New York Patient Handbook

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of New York Patient Handbook

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