Maple Grove/Chaska Patient Handbook 2023 - 62

What happens if I don't take the
TB germs are very strong. If you don't take all of your
medicine correctly, you could become sick again and
spread TB to other people.
You must take all of your medicines exactly as your
doctor tells you to in order to be cured.
If you do not take your medicine correctly, your TB
could become even stronger. You would have to take
stronger medicines for a longer time.
What is DOT?
" DOT " means Directly Observed Therapy. DOT makes
it easy to take your pills. DOT is when a nurse or
health care worker sees you every day to give you TB
medicine. This is the best way to make sure you get all
the medicine you need and your treatment is working. If
there is a problem with your medication it can be fixed
right away. DOT cures TB!
Can I spread TB to other people?
If TB is in your lungs, you must be careful to protect
other people from your TB germs. If TB is in other parts
of your body, the TB germs usually cannot spread to
other people.
Ask your doctor or nurse whether your TB can spread
to others (is contagious). They will tell you what to do to
protect people close to you.
After you have been taking medicine for a few weeks
and you are feeling better, you can no longer spread TB
germs. Your doctor will tell you when you can return to
work, school, or other activities.
What else should I know about TB?
* Ask your doctor or nurse about getting free TB
medicine. It may be available depending on your
* Tell your doctor or nurse if you plan to move to
another city or state. They can help make sure you
get TB medicine after you move.
* If you have TB, ask your doctor for an HIV test.
People with HIV can get very sick from TB. You may
need different TB medicines if you have HIV.
What should I know about TB
* The medicines for TB are usually safe, but some
people have side effects. If you have any of these
symptoms, call or see your doctor immediately:
- Vomiting, pain in stomach
- Poor appetite
- Nausea
- Yellow eyes or skin
- Tingling fingers or toes
- Tingling or numb mouth
- Blurred vision or change in your vision
- Ringing in your ears
- Trouble hearing
- Dizziness
- Aching joints
- Fever for more than three days
- Skin rash
- Bleeding or bruising easily
* Take all of your TB medicine at the same time every
* Keep taking your TB medicines until you doctor tells
you to stop.
* Don't drink beer, wine, or liquor while taking TB
Remember TB can be cured!
Personal TB information
Your clinic/doctor/nurse:
Phone #: (
Your TB pills are:
Isoniazid ( " INH " )
Pyrazinamide ( " PZA " )
Vitamin B6

Maple Grove/Chaska Patient Handbook 2023

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Maple Grove/Chaska Patient Handbook 2023

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