Naples Patient Handbook - 31
within Hazelden Betty Ford in order to resolve
any complaints or issues arising regarding your
care. We may also disclose your protected health
information to an agent or agency which provides
services to Hazelden Betty Ford under a qualified
service organization agreement and/or business
associate agreement, in which they agree to abide
by applicable federal law and related regulations (42
CFR Part 2 and HIPAA). Health care operations may
also include use of your protected health information
for programs offered by Hazelden Betty Ford, such
as sending you invitations to alumni events and
workshops sponsored by Hazelden Betty Ford.
This list of examples is for illustration only and
is not an exclusive list of all of the potential uses
and disclosures that may be made for health care
in response to a court order that meets the
requirements of federal regulations, 42 CFR
Part 2 concerning Confidentiality of Substance
Use Disorder Patient Records. Note also that if
your records are not actually " patient records "
within the meaning of 42 CFR Part 2 (e.g., if
your records are created as a result of your
participation in the family program or another
non-treatment setting), your records may not be
subject to the protections of 42 CFR Part 2.
7. Commission of a Crime on Premises or against
Program Personnel. We may disclose your
protected health information to the police or
other law enforcement officials if you commit
a crime on the premises or against program
personnel or threaten to commit such a crime.
C. Other allowable uses and disclosures without your
authorization, aside from treatment and health care
operations, include:
1. Appointment Reminders. We may contact
you to send you reminder notices of future
appointments for your treatment.
2. Medical Emergencies. We may disclose your
protected health information to medical
personnel to the extent necessary to meet a
bona fide medical emergency (as defined by 42
CFR Part 2) this information might include HIV
status, if applicable.
3. Minors. We may disclose to a parent or guardian
or other person authorized under state law to act
on behalf of a minor, those facts about a minor
which are relevant to reducing a threat to the
life or physical wellbeing of the minor or any
other individual, if the program director judges
that the minor applicant lacks capacity to make
a rational decision and the minor's situation
poses a substantial threat to the life or physical
wellbeing of the minor or any other individual
which may be reduced by communicating
relevant facts to such person.
4. Incompetent and Deceased Patients. In such
cases, authorization of a personal representative,
guardian or other person authorized by
applicable state law may be given in accordance
with 42 CFR Part 2.
5. Decedents. We may disclose protected health
information to a coroner, medical examiner or
other authorized person under laws requiring
the collection of death or other vital statistics, or
which permit inquiry into the cause of death.
Judicial and Administrative Proceedings. We
may disclose your protected health information
8. Child Abuse. We may disclose your protected
health information for the purpose of reporting
child abuse and neglect and, in Minnesota,
prenatal exposure to controlled substances,
including alcohol, to public health authorities or
other government authorities authorized by law
to receive such reports.
9. Duty to Warn. Where the program learns that
a patient has made a specific threat of serious
physical harm to another specific person or the
public, and disclosure is otherwise required
under statute and/or common law, the program
will carefully consider appropriate options that
would permit disclosure.
10. Audit and Evaluation Activities. We may
disclose protected health information to those
who perform audit or evaluation activities for
certain health oversight agencies, e.g., state
licensure or certification agencies, the Joint
Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations, which oversees the health care
system and ensures compliance with regulations
and standards, or those providing financial
assistance to the program.
11. Fundraising Communications. We may contact
you to request a tax-deductible contribution
to support important Hazelden Betty Ford
activities. In connection with any fundraising,
we may use certain demographic information
about you and dates of health care provided to
you. If you do not want to receive fundraising
requests, call 1-888-535-9485.
12. Research. We may use or disclose protected
health information without your consent
or authorization if our research privacy
board approves a waiver of authorization for
Naples Patient Handbook
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Naples Patient Handbook
Naples Patient Handbook - 1
Naples Patient Handbook - 2
Naples Patient Handbook - 3
Naples Patient Handbook - 4
Naples Patient Handbook - 5
Naples Patient Handbook - 6
Naples Patient Handbook - 7
Naples Patient Handbook - 8
Naples Patient Handbook - 9
Naples Patient Handbook - 10
Naples Patient Handbook - 11
Naples Patient Handbook - 12
Naples Patient Handbook - 13
Naples Patient Handbook - 14
Naples Patient Handbook - 15
Naples Patient Handbook - 16
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Naples Patient Handbook - 18
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Naples Patient Handbook - 21
Naples Patient Handbook - 22
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