Newberg Patient Handbook 2023 - 33
contact the nurse's station at 503-554-4373. Get yourself
or your peer back to campus as quickly and safely as
possible. If you believe the peer is at risk for overdose,
please call 911 so they can be treated at the nearest
Returning to use in treatment does not necessarily result
in discharge from the program, though this may be the
case if the safety of others is compromised (such as
by sharing substances). We understand that returning
to use is a very common symptom of addiction and
want to support you in strengthening your recovery,
redoubling your treatment efforts, and partnering with
the treatment team to support your safety and progress.
Fire, Emergency & Evacuation
Fire, emergency and evacuation plans are posted on each
unit. Please familiarize yourself with them. Fire drills are
held monthly, at various times of the day and night. Staff
and patients participate in fire drills, which is another
reason why staff members need to know when you're
away from your unit.
In the event of a fire, unit staff members are in charge.
When you hear " code red, " this indicates a fire drill or
an actual fire. A very loud alarm with flashing lights will
sound. All staff and patients will immediately evacuate
the building, using the closest exit. Designated staff
will check all areas of the building to help with the
evacuation process. They will also help patients who need
assistance in evacuating the building. Do not reenter the
building until someone announces " all clear " over the
announcement system.
If you are on your unit and the pager announces that
the fire is on your unit, evacuation is mandatory. A head
count will be conducted.
If a " code lockdown " is announced for security issues,
please follow instruction from staff regarding where to go
and what to do.
Severe Weather Information
Winter weather can cause sidewalks, ramps, porches
and patios to be slippery and, in some cases, impassable.
During the winter months, deicer is spread at building
entrances and on sidewalks and ramps. Please use
caution during snowy, wet and icy conditions when
traveling between buildings.
Please report to staff any unsafe or hazardous conditions
Newberg Patient Handbook 2023
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Newberg Patient Handbook 2023
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