Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth - 23
Addiction as a disease
" Alcoholics are immoral people who choose to drink. "
" Drug addicts are muggers and thieves. " " People who
can't control their substance use are weak willed. "
For decades sentiments like these have reflected
our cultural beliefs about someone with substance
use disorder. Though society is moving toward a
more tolerant and compassionate view of substance
use disorder, the prejudice persists strongly in the
minds of many who are attempting to overcome their
substance use disorder. For those of us with substance
use disorder, feelings of shame, guilt and low selfworth
often cause us to deny that our problems exist.
Self-criticism can be so powerful that the numbness
of intoxication may seem a more desirable state than
soberly confronting pain. It's important that we modify
feelings of shame and self-criticism so we can achieve
and enjoy sobriety.
What is stigma?
Stigma, as defined by Webster's New International
Dictionary, is " a mark of shame or discredit. " Erving
Goffman, in his book Stigma: Notes on the Management
of Spoiled Identity, notes that the Greeks originated
the term. It referred to a bodily sign designed to expose
something bad about the individual's moral status.
According to author Erving Goffman, " The signs were
cut or burnt into the body and advertised that the bearer
was a slave, a criminal, or traitor-a blemished person ...
to be avoided, especially in public places. " 1
Though we no longer physically mark people for
disgrace, our society does stigmatize groups of people
through prejudice. For generations people with
substance use disorder were viewed in such a way. We
were looked down upon as the dregs of society, moral
lepers who chose to ruin our lives through consumption
of alcohol and other drugs. At best, we were considered
weak-willed, second-class citizens.
Dr. Daniel Anderson, in Perspectives on Treatment-The
Minnesota Experience, wrote about the public sentiment
in the 1940s and 1950s: the general public still viewed
alcoholics as drunkards, as moral reprobates. The high
death rates, the suicides, the tragic accidents, the low
recovery rates from alcoholism all seemed to help prove
Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth
Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth - 1
Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth - 2
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