Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth - 79

* There is no need to worry about contact with articles
like hairbrushes, combs, or eating utensils.
Understanding Pain
What is the purpose of pain?
Pain is your body's alarm system. It tells you that
something is wrong. When part of your body is injured
or hurt, nerves in that area release chemical signals.
Other nerves send these signals to your brain, where
they are recognized as pain. Pain often tells you that
you need to do something.
For example, if you touch a hot stove, pain signals from
your brain make you pull your hand away. This type of
pain helps protect you.
Long-lasting pain, such as arthritis pain, is different.
While it tells you that something is wrong, it often
isn't as easy to relieve. Managing this type of pain is
important, because it can disrupt your life.
The pain cycle
Along with physical changes, such as movement
limitations, the emotional ups and downs of your
condition can add to your pain. If you feel depressed or
stressed due to limited or lost abilities, your pain may
seem worse. You can get caught in the cycle of pain,
limited/lost abilities, stress, and depression, which
makes everything seem harder to handle.
Why do people react differently to pain?
People react differently to pain for several reasons.
Physical reasons
The sensitivity of your nervous system and the severity
of your condition determine how your body reacts to
pain. These factors determine whether your nerves will
send or block pain signals.
Emotional and social reasons
Other factors that affect how you react to pain and how
much pain you feel include your fears and anxieties
about pain, previous experiences with pain, energy
level, and attitude about your condition. The way people
around you react to pain may also affect how you
personally react to pain.
Whatever the reason, many people have discovered that
by learning and practicing pain management skills, it is
possible to reduce pain.
How does the body control pain?
Pain signals are sent through a complex system of
nerves in your brain and spinal cord. Your body tries
to stop these signals from reaching their destination by
creating chemicals that help block pain signals. These
chemicals, called endorphins (en-DOOR-fins), are
morphine-like painkilling substances that decrease the
pain sensation.
The body produces endorphins in response to different
kinds of " controls. " These include natural controls,
such as your own thoughts and emotions. For example,
imagine that a parent who is driving with their children
is hurt in a car accident. The parent is so worried about
their children that they don't feel the pain from their
own broken arm. The concern for their children has
blocked the pain signal and kept the pain from affecting
The body also produces endorphins in response to
" outside " controls, such as medicine. Morphine is one
example of a powerful pain-blocking medicine.
Other outside pain control methods, such as exercise,
relaxation, massage, and heat and cold treatment, can
stimulate the body to either release endorphins or block
pain signals in other ways.
What can make your pain feel worse?
The following factors can make your pain feel worse:
* Increased disease activity
* Excessive physical activity
* Fatigue
* Depression
* Stress
* Dwelling on pain
* Anxiety

Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Residential and Outpatient Handbook - Plymouth

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