X-Ray Intraoral Film/Extraoral Film EXTRAORAL FILM Agfa Dentus® M2 Comfort Maximum image quality with minimal exposure values * Its emulsion technology and lower base fog density deliver exceptionally highquality diagnostic images * The unique shape and positioning of silver crystals on the film base gives it image sharpness not realized before Fuji Super HR-G Green sensitive. Kodak equivalent TMG-5. Panoramic Film 5 " x 12 " (585-7110) ...................100/Box 8 " x 10 " (949-8389) ...................100/Box E/F-Speed Film M2-58 Periapical Size 2 Single Packets (665-0877) ...................... 150/Box M2-57 Periapical Size 2 Double Packets (665-8912) ...................... 150/Box M2-54 Periapical Size 0 Single Packets (665-5214) ...................... 100/Box M2-53 Periapical Size 0 Double Packets (665-5779) ...................... 100/Box Make your dream office a reality. Intraoral Dental X-Ray Film Flow Dental Thin, soft, flexible packets. Reformulated emulsion provides greater clarity and definition. Soft V-tab vinyl for patient comfort and easy opening. D-Speed Film DV-58 Periapical Size 2 Value Pack Single Packets (201-1780) ...................... 150/Box Econo Pack (201-4934) ...................... 600/Box DV-57 Periapical Size 2 Double Packets (201-0375) ................. ..... 130/Box PANORAMIC FILM Green sensitive and high contrast. For use with green intensifying screens. HC-512G 5 " x 12 " -Green (112-5317) ........................ 50/Box HC-612G 6 " x 12 " -Green (112-5316) ........................ 50/Box manual processing. PANORAMIC FILM DX-75 5 " x 12 " -Blue (112-5314) ........................ 50/Box DX-76 6 " x 12 " -Blue (112-5313) ........................ 50/Box Blue sensitive, high speed, and excellent contrast. Recommended for automatic and DUPLICATING FILM Xpress™ F-Speed Film FV-58 Periapical Size 2 Value Pack Econo Pack (201-2115) ...................... 600/Box 928 Make copies of either full-series intraoral or panoramic films. Works well in UV or whitelight duplicators. 5 " x 12 " (112-5311) ........................ 50/Box 6 " x 12 " (112-5328) ........................ 50/Box Visit www.henryschein.ca for our latest products and promotions. X-RAYhttps://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=5857110&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=9498389&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=6650877&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=6658912&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=6655214&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=6655779&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=2011780&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=2014934&CatalogName=DENTAL https://www.henryschein.ca/ca-en/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?productid=2012115&CatalogName=DENTAL http://www.henryschein.ca