Digital DENTISTRY Save Money. Save Time. Mill Custom Titanium Abutments In-house. AK-1 Abutment Kit For the DWX-42W Wet Dental Mill (939-5205) Milling custom titanium abutments is now easier and more cost-effective than ever, with a DWX-42W dental mill and the AK-1 Titanium Abutment Kit, from DGSHAPE. Replace regular DWX-42W tank tray with AK-1 kit tray. Connect AK-1 material adapter to material holder in the DWX-42W. Insert and attach a titanium block, then begin milling. See how easy and affordable it is to add custom titanium abutment milling to your lab output at 56 1-800-496-9500 | www.zahncanada.ca